Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Category: Discussions (Page 1 of 7)

Rough Draft of Unit 3 Artist’s Statement Due Wednesday, 11/29, for Peer Review

Please bring a complete rough draft of your Artist’s Statement to class on Wednesday, 11/29.

You may bring your draft to class either as a printed copy OR on a laptop/tablet. Do not bring your draft on your phone.

We will be completing a peer review activity on Wednesday in class. Remember that you receive points for participating in the peer review activity. If you do not show up, you do not get the points.

Note that we will be back in our regular classroom on Wednesday. See the following handout that we went over in class, which covers everything we will be doing in class during these final weeks of the semester: The Final Push: What You Need to Do Before the End of the Semester.

Thirteenth Post of the Semester (Describing Your Mentor Text and Committing to a Plan for Unit 3)

This post requires you to do several shorter tasks.

First, I would like you to go to the Unit 3 Assignment page on this website and review the student examples that have been posted.

Next, you will address two prompts. Both are geared toward getting you started on your Unit 3 Assignment.

First, reflect on the Mentor Text Analysis activity that we completed in class. Review the notes that you made about your mentor text. In a paragraph of at least 100 words, describe your findings from your Mentor Text Analysis. In particular, write about the aspects of your mentor text that you would like to emulate in your own work.

Second, in another paragraph of at least 100 words, describe your concrete plan for your Unit 3 assignment. What genre will your DEFINITELY be working in? What is your EXACT purpose? What SPECIFIC audience are you trying to reach? How will you give EXPLICIT credit to outside resources? Also describe some of the more practical elements of the text you will put together. For example, how will you organize your ideas? What kinds of visuals, if any, do you plan to incorporate? What about audio? What software, if any, do you plan to use? What other resources do you plan to access?

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