Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Thirteenth Post of the Semester (Describing Your Mentor Text and Committing to a Plan for Unit 3)

This post requires you to do several shorter tasks.

First, I would like you to go to the Unit 3 Assignment page on this website and review the student examples that have been posted.

Next, you will address two prompts. Both are geared toward getting you started on your Unit 3 Assignment.

First, reflect on the Mentor Text Analysis activity that we completed in class. Review the notes that you made about your mentor text. In a paragraph of at least 100 words, describe your findings from your Mentor Text Analysis. In particular, write about the aspects of your mentor text that you would like to emulate in your own work.

Second, in another paragraph of at least 100 words, describe your concrete plan for your Unit 3 assignment. What genre will your DEFINITELY be working in? What is your EXACT purpose? What SPECIFIC audience are you trying to reach? How will you give EXPLICIT credit to outside resources? Also describe some of the more practical elements of the text you will put together. For example, how will you organize your ideas? What kinds of visuals, if any, do you plan to incorporate? What about audio? What software, if any, do you plan to use? What other resources do you plan to access?


  1. Olivia P

    The mentor text I chose to look at was an Instagram carousel on “How to Break Out of Your Social Media Echo Chamber in Five Steps”. They used a very serious and formal tone to ensure that the readers would think critically about this issue and not take it as a joke. They used outside resources by stating “Research shows…” which makes them seem more credible since it decreases bias because it’s not only their opinion. They also provided a link at the bottom of the caption for the readers to do more research on this topic if they are interested. Something that I really liked and would like to emulate in my own writing is putting a short heading on top of each slide to really grab the reader’s attention and make them want to continue reading. 

    I will be doing an Instagram carousel about overthinking for my Unit 3 assignment. The specific audience that I will be trying to reach is anyone who finds themselves in a constant state of overthinking and wants to find ways to decrease it. I will make it 6-8 slides long to provide the information needed but not make it too long. I will insert different pictures and quotes that people can relate to in order to make sure my audience is not bored just reading because no one opens up Instagram to just read a whole bunch. This will make them want to continue reading and sliding through the slides. I will also provide information on overthinking and different strategies and techniques that people can incorporate to minimize their overthinking. I will give explicit credit to outside sources by providing a link at the end.

  2. Milton

    The tone of the language is very scary. Hank uses scary background music and tries changing his voice to a much deeper voice. Hank uses imagery to show us what the insects do to survive. They blend in with their environment to not become prey for other insects. The video was like 1 minute and 2 seconds long of very useful information towards the insect. The audience of this source are scientists and ticktockers that have interest in this topic of insects. The one thing I would emulate from the tiktok would be the pictures he uses and how straight forward he really is. One thing I wouldn’t emulate is the tone and voice of the video.

    The topic I will do is police brutality. The genre I will do is a tik tok video to inform people about the dangers of my topic.The purpose of my topic is to inform how cruel police officers can be, they leave people and children scared for the rest of their lives. I will organize my ideas by doing everything one by one and to take it easy to organize every little detail I do about my topic the audio I would use for my TikTok video would be something relaxing and understanding more of the topic to get a visual of how everything will set in for all into place.

  3. Roheemot

    The mentor text I am looking to emulate is an infographic on “10 facts on Mental Health”. The infographic followed a professional and structured form of writing and also avoided the use of unnecessary jargon which made the information they were trying to convey easily understood. The infographic also contained eye-catching colors and icons which made it more visually appealing. For my writing, I would like to emulate the use of visually appealing images, I would also like to breakdown my writing into sections and perhaps include headings so as to guide my audience through the information I am trying to convey.

        I will be working on an infographic for this assignment. My goal for this assignment will be to enlighten my audience on how their online presence can affect the way they perceive themselves and also educate them on certain strategies that can be taken to navigate their way around social media in an healthy and positive manner. The target audience I would be trying to reach are youths and young adults because they are more vulnerable to the potential negative effect of social media on their mental well-being and also because they are at a stage in life where they are still developing their sense of self. I will be giving explicit credit to outside resources by acknowledging the author’s name and also providing the website or book where the resource can be found. Speaking of visuals, I will be using bold fonts to convey important points or headings. I will also be including relevant icons and images that go in line with my topic and also breakdown important points into sections.


  4. Winson Chen

    In the mentor text that I chose, it titled, “Sea Level Rise”, an infographic. This infographic is posted by NASA and the information gathered by them as well. I personally really like how this infographic is structured. The main structure of this infographic is first having a title and a subtitle for each section. These subtitles are not really special but each subtitle directly shows what that part is about. Then are the information under each subtitle which are not very long but at the same time starting to the point. This makes each part interesting but at the same time interesting. Then there are the graphs that they gather. This serves as an imagery that represents what each section is about. 

    As for my genre, I wanted it to be infographic to begin with and after viewing this infographic, I’m even more convinced that it will be infographic because I feel that the information that I will be preparing for will fit the structure of an infographic. Though if there is data related information, then I will be using outside sources instead of my own source. I also wanted to make my infographic into multiple sections so the readers will be easy to read and understand. I will also be adding fun facts by using questions and answers techniques. At the same time I will use images or data as information as well. This will be the basic structure of my infographic.

  5. Evelyn Rosales

    • The mentor text that I chose to look at was an infographic on “ What does organic really mean? ”. The type of language that he/she used was very formal. They also used words that are easy to understand, like I didn’t need to look up any words. They also used a lot of statistics and images to have a better clear understanding of what organic really means. The strategies they used to establish its credibility was they also put important words or big facts in big letters to point out the most important information and facts about the meaning of organic. The aspect of my mentor text that I would like to emulate is to also use a lot of statistics and big words to point out information of how social media can affect our mental health and not just mentally but also physically. 
    • My concrete plan for this Unit 3 assignment is to do an infographic about how social media affects teens in many ways. The specific audience that I’m trying to reach out to is young teens and adults, because I feel like those people are the ones that spend the most time on social media and don’t realize the effect that it has on them. The exact purpose that I’m trying to talk about is how bad social media can be on our mental health and teach them how and what ways it affects us teens. Also I want to motivate them to do more in person activities and not spend as much time on social media. 
  6. angel

    The mentor that I chose was an infographic on “How Sea Levels Have Been Rising Throughout The Years”, which was created by NASA. NASA used a very serious and formal tone to assure readers how serious this situation is and what we can do to help the environment. They use statistics and many charts in order to depict how sea levels keep rising year by year, what is being affected, how much ice we are losing, and how it’s affecting all of us. The infographic also contains eye-catching colors which catch the eyes of the audience and make them hook onto the infographic.

    My concrete plan for the Unit 3 Assignment is to make an infographic about the mental health conflict happening within teens and children. The main audience I’m trying to reach is teachers, parents, young children/teenagers, and individuals learning about this topic. The reason I want this infographic to reach those specific people is because both teachers and parents play the most important roles in teens and childrens lives. While teens and children must know this crisissomething that has been brewing for such a long time and has become one of—if not, the biggest problem in society. I plan to make an infographic that has divided sections depicting the problem one-by-one, giving each page a topic of its own.

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