Taught by Jacob Aplaca

What to Do for Wednesday, 9/20 (Rough Draft Due!)

On Wednesday, 9/20, we will be completing a peer review activity in class. To do so, you will need to bring the following:

  • A typed, hard-copy rough draft of your Unit 1 essay. This draft must be at least 800 words. I will be checking your drafts in class before we start in order to give you credit.
    • Again, make sure your draft is TYPED. Also, please use a 12 pt., Times New Roman font, and double-space your essay.
  • Something to write with.

Also, please be prepared to do a little in-class work on your essay. This means bringing pens/paper, a laptop, and/or a tablet.

1 Comment

  1. Rizwan Awal

    As time goes by and you’re by yourself you start to realize things around you change. One of the few things that changed for me is the environment around me going to school. You see one thing I realized is that not everyone is able to get a proper education or go to school. A good old friend of mine was hustling and knew so much he was very smart. Me on the other hand showed no interest in going to school or even trying to learn. Although i had to do something and put in the effort, my friend always encouraged me to do my best and try. From the eyes i was looking at someone who was very genuine, encouraging, smart, and calm. As he would always show support no matter what he was the reason why i started taking my education far seriously. He showed me the way, he showed me the path and most importantly he showed me the importance of all that needed to be done in school. This was a life changing moment for me because as mentioned before as time goes by you start to realize moments like that have a unique meaning and teaches us all a lesson.  One thing I believe I took for granted was when I had all the materials to help me succeed in all my classes. Knowing that some students choose not to focus or put in the effort not because they didnt have the materials but the fact that they didn’t try or at least cared. I was slowly becoming one of those students since i didnt care about my education at all. I was slowly lost. I had no clue on what I was doing but if it were for my friend I wouldn’t have known any better. During this time I wanted to get a job during my freshman year in highschool. I didnt even want to go to college in the future because i had no interest nor did I know what I wanted to do with my life. I figured a 9-5 job would be good or something as mentioned before. I am completely lost. I told my friend about the issue and he decided to take the time to help me and put me on track since he was already doing good in all his classes. He goes onto breaking down details and explaining to me the significance of me pursuing my education goals by focusing and working hard. All though he wanted me to tell him what my goals were i was completely lost at the moment because as mentioned before i didnt really care nor did i know what i wanted to do with my life. Everyday during lunch while we were eating everyday I would take every moment in my life to see where I ate with the things I was doing. I decided to start reading more to see whether I wanted to be a writer. I figured that i wasnt doing good since i barely get any ideas. I began studying for my algebra classes and tried to do good in that but I was lost and my brain just couldn’t comprehend at all with all the stuff I was learning. Then I started focusing in my science class and saw if I had any interest in that field. But realized i wasn’t good at any of the things i was learning. It felt like I had a lot on my plate but I just couldn’t keep up anymore. My friend tells me to calm down and focus on only one subject and try to put some effort into it and be patient no matter how hard the journey was. But I simply couldn’t hold myself with it anymore. I just felt like giving up. But during this journey every moment I learned I realized that no matter what subject i tried to learn, I realized the whole purpose of the school education system is that there’s a multiple variety of options to explore and why the school education system is for everyone. So no matter what i kept myself together and took all my classes seriously for the best possible outcome. My friend decided to help me alot during my studying sessions and kept me motivated. During this time i was getting better with every step i took to find out which career I wanted to pursue. and in time i would decide whether college will be worth it for me.

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