Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Second Post of the Semester! (Reading Like a Writer)

Read “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn. Then, write a post of at least 300 words discussing the following questions.

  • In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” He’s talking to you.  What do you think he means by this? What are some of the things you write already?  (Hint: “Nothing” is not an acceptable answer.) Think of all of the ways you already use words in your everyday life. That’s authorship! How will that existing expertise help you in your college reading and writing career?
  • Was there anything you noticed in Bunn’s article that you would like to try to do in your own writing? What, in particular? Please be specific!

In total, write at least 300 words.


  1. Rizwan

    I believe when mike bunn writes “you are already an author” referring to me as an author because i’m sure everyone has a story to tell or have written about things involved with our life or just wrote about fictional stuff. When someone writes about something we all have a different taste through our stories which makes us an author and the way we write upon those things shows you an idea of what type of an author you really are. I usually write about my life as I’m always observing and learning new things everyday . I take the time to write down the things I have seen. Sometimes I write or make up fictional stories to see how creative i can get because to me when it comes to writing i believe you have the ability to get creative as you want. I think if you have existing expertise you’re able to reflect on your ability to read and write and to expand into further details since you have the ability to get creative with your writing and that you shouldn’t have the bare minimum  with writing. One thing I noticed with bunns article is that he gives out details and important information on what or how it takes to be a writer or a read like a writer. The details he lists can be informative and I guess that’s his way of writing about his own personal experience or getting information from elsewhere and including it in his article. One detail that he goes onto telling is “what are some questions to ask before you start reading” he goes onto writing and giving out important key points to the readers as to what to expect or to do before reading. With that I like how he’s being informative and giving readers a heads up on what to expect or do.

  2. sonkerry

    I believe that Mike Burns means that I already have a story to tell. EVryone is born and raised through different circumstances. Most people deal with hardship and trauma while others live a pretty great life. That life is a story all on its own and you are the author of that story. We have written about ourselfs ever since we were young and those stories can be developed and improved as life continues. We write our own destinies through the choices that we tend to make. The outcomes of certain choices tend to be different and thats why our decision can w\be deemed as a story. The way I use words in my everyday life will help me with my college readiness because I can incorporate parts of me and my language into my writting making it more vibrant and give it life instead of being formal all the time.One thing that I noticed While reading Bunn’s article is that at some instances he would separate words to keep our minds focused on the text. For example he would say “unpre-dictable” when the word is meant to be together and not separated. I believe this to be Bunn’s personal style of writting and maybe how he speaks in person. He might have a stutter or trouble with pronoucing certain words. He also writes in the parenthesis of certain lines in the text like his own thought bubble outside of what he is saying in the text. He also talks to us outside of what he is explaining to us like a conversation. In the article it says ” Do you know who the intended audience is? Again, I hope that you know this one by now.”

  3. Angel

    In “How to Read Like a Writer”, Bunn refers to ‘You are already an author’(reffering to me), implying that we all actively read every single piece of reading as natural authors. Additionally, Bunn is talking about how every single one of us has a way of reading and writing but ultimately, write word-by-word and sentence-by-sentence. We have to carefully consider and examine the things we see with our eyes. We must identify the choices the writer has made and why she/he has made that choice in order to get a better understanding. Connecting to this, some of the things me and others already write is that we consist of a series of choices in our writings. But the question is, do we really present them in order for the reader to carefully understand? As authors already, we must use choices or have our own techniques of writing such as; being narrative, description, showing emotion. These are things I utilize everyday in my daily life to ensure the reader or writer has a full grasp of what I mean. Something I realized in Bunn’s article is that he gave a concept of starting an essay with a quote. I would perhaps like to try this but beginning with a quote is dangerous. How you may ask, well, would it be effective? Would it slowly connect to the genre or topic of my essay? Bunn stated that if we were to start an essay with a quote, that it would be best to make ourselves a list, containing pros and cons on why it’s best to start with a quote, which is something I will incorporate into my craft. Finally, with choices, I would love to write out different choices and timelines of how my essay can be, perhaps creating different topic sentences with different sorts of proof to see which is ideal and flows better.

  4. Roheemot

    I think what Mike Bunn meant by the statement “You are already an author” is that, we all have at one point or the other written a story or had a story to tell be it about our lives or something entirely different. For example, having to read this particular article by Mike Bunn and writing an essay about it shows that we are student writers and must have had a writing experience. I used to have this journal where I write down how I spent my day and how I want to spend the next day, I think this should pass as being an author, yeah? I believe this existing expertise will have a positive impact in my college reading and writing career by helping to expand my vocabulary and improve my language skill. I believe it will also make it easy for me to find words to express my ideas effectively in my writing.

    In Mike Bunn’s article, he made mention of starting an essay with a quote, I personally think this is a very good way to start any form of writing ,it is a very catchy opening that makes your audience more interested in your writing. Quotes have the power to add credibility and also point out the main idea of your writing.Keep in mind that your quote must be in line with the subject matter of your writing.Starting my writing with a quote is something I would love to adopt provided the pros of adopting this method outweighs the cons just like Mike Bunn said in the article. Mike Bunn also made mention of the usage of uncommon words, I would also try to adopt this because uncommon words stand out and draw the audience’s attention, It also shows ones proficiency in language and vocabulary.

  5. Andrew

    I think Mike Bunn means that the things we write is our story. That is why he says we are authors because we always are writing something even if it is on paper or text and we made it.Also some of the things we write is this 300 word assignment our professor is making us do and this is our writing so we authors.Also we all have created our own stories in paper or online and we make it our own by using different techniques we learn.The words we use in our everyday life can help me with my college reading and writer career because we all speak different when we all around different people because we don’t know how they going react.So we talk in a certain way to certain group of people for they could be interested on what we saying.So when we writing in a specific geren we will know to write in a specific way for we could grab that audience attention and when other people read it they could ask question and learn form it and learn from the mistakes to.

    What I noticed in his writing is that he keeps the reader interested by always asking rhetorical question.I wanna do that in my writing because it keeps the curiosity going makes the reader wanna keep reading.Also how the way he was talking to us like he was friend of ours or that we know him because when i was reading i got more of a feeling of a friend telling me this then a teacher or a professor because he always asking us question or he has his bullet points saying that if we didn’t understand that he did a bad job of explaining.I wanna try that because i feel like that what keeps the reader going if we write to them like if there our close friend i feel we understand it more.  

  6. Jeniah Charles

    In the article, Mike Bunns writes, “You are already an author.” I think he means that everything you say, everything you write even things you think about make you an author. I write about how my day went. I write about things I could do better for next time. I even plan out my future and how I would like it to look. For example, manifestation when it comes to whatever you want. Writing things down can help you with a lot of mental things and you can turn those into stories. Maybe even help others out. Show them that writing isn’t hard when they need to write things. Or maybe even come up with stories for class or to tell someone else. Anything you write about is authorship. It came from you so you are the author.

    This existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing career because it will give me the confidence I need to write and read to understand. Writing and knowing that whatever you think about or whatever you say can be a story or an explanation can help you. Understanding the reading will help you write as long as you understand what’s being said. Personally, I love writing when it comes to certain topics. I like writing my own stories or even writing about a story I just read.

    When Bunns said to Read like a Writer you have to “work to identify some of the choices the author made so that you can better understand how such choices might arise in your own writing. The idea is to carefully examine the things you read, looking at the writerly techniques in the text in order to decide if you might want to adopt similar (or the same) techniques in your writing.” I would like to try that because reading other people’s work and understanding it would help you write something of your own but similar. When spoke about using some of the techniques I was on board for that because it could make your writing more interesting.

  7. Ismael

    When the author, Mike Bunn writes “you are already an Author” I believe that he means that even though we do not have the intention to “properly” create a piece of writing in which we want to publicly share with others and consider ourselves the “authors” of those pieces we have still written things in our life. Whether it was for an assignment for school or it could also be updating one’s personal journal. Even though those personal writings may not be at the same standard as an actual Novel they were created/written by us. It could be something as simple and short as a professional email you wrote to someone of importance or an essay for school or even a lengthy thank you note to someone you hold dear. For example, I wrote in an email today to my majors department regarding something of importance that I made well formatted for an email and very detailed with the issue at hand. Another piece of writing could also be the first post assignment for this class. The only thing is that no reading was required prior to finishing that assignment so we weren’t able to read like a writer and use the techniques Mike speaks of in his article. I already use words in my everyday life when I’m either introducing myself to someone new or doing any form of writing for any reason, the reason for writing does not matter as long as it’s being done. This existing expertise will help me dearly as it will only help me with my writing overall in this class as well as any other literature setting as well. Once I become great at reading like a writer I can really take my writing to another level. In his article Mike mentions how it is that we can see the choices that authors make by reading like a writer and why he made those choices to make us as the readers feel certain so I really want to see if I can identify those choices and why. Specifically I want to do that to mainly examine what other choices those said authors could have made, why they went with the choices that they went with, and the consequences to those said choices that they ended up sticking with and seeing if those other options had better outcomes.

  8. Josh

    In the article “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn when he writes “you are already an author” he means that we have all written stories and produced some type of writing piece in our lives. Also, I believe it most definitely means we all have a story and we express it everyday through the usage of our words, giving me clear understanding that the way you convey your ideas dictates well it’s relayed over to others. Some things I wrote before were argumentative essays, informative articles, poems, and a bunch of essays asked for by my professors or past teachers. I use words literally all the time such as when I pray, speak, texting, and presenting ideas to my peers. The existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing career because it will make me direct and clear with my ideas and representing myself. In addition to that fact it’ll make understanding an author’s idea, reasoning for using particular rhetorical strategies, and make reading more or a relatable experience and knowing the purpose of the text I’m reading easier. Something I noticed in Bunn’s article that I would like to try in my own writing is adding personality and using transitional words well that’ll lead my writing creating emotions that the readers feel making them think. Because as I read the techniques and followed the examples Bunn has for reading like a writer (RLW) he includes how specific word choice makes the reader think and sort of creates an antenna to know something either will happen or serve a specific reason. I’m not a fan of narrative stories so with the questioning method, writing notes at the side of margin, and studying strategies to break down the story rather than just seeing it as a text just to read. As I develop skills of analyzing (RLW) it’ll cause me to use certain methods I see from a particular text to add to my own writing arsenal.

  9. Olivia P

    In the article “How to Read Like a Writer” by “Mike Bunn’’ he tells the readers that “You are already an author.” What I think he means by this is that each person has a unique story to tell which can be expressed through writing. Everyone was raised differently and experienced different things and that can be a factor in why we see things the way we do. We interpret and understand things slightly differently from one another which makes us unique. Mike Bunn wants us to closely observe the author’s choice of words to improve our writing skills. I use words in many ways in my everyday life. It can come down to ordering a drink at Starbucks, emailing professors or even texting my friends. The choice of words I use will depend on who I’m talking to. For instance, I won’t speak the same way I talk with my friends to my professors. Understanding how to read like a writer can be very beneficial in my college reading and writing career because I can learn how to understand and interpret the articles given to me. Understanding what you’re reading about can help a lot when it comes to writing. Being able to accurately express my feelings and thoughts can also help in the real world when it comes to making friends. In the article, the author explores many different writing techniques. One thing I noticed about his writing is that he’s very descriptive. He kept me engaged while I was reading the article because he asked a lot of questions which made it more enjoyable to read. I want to incorporate his technique to keep the readers engaged when reading a writing piece of mine. Being more descriptive and using imagery can improve my writing since it will make the readers visualize the things I’m describing.

  10. Kevin Z.

    The article, How to Read Like a Writer, touches on how people, as readers, can read other writer’s works to create an understanding on the different techniques and wording. Mike Bunn writes, “You are already an author”, talking specifically to the audience, us, that we have done some type of writing like storytelling or creation, whether it be through our head or written down on a piece of paper, at some point of time. He implies that we as readers, disregarding our education level or background, engage in different types of writing and communication. 

    —> One of the works I’ve been working on is a fantasy short novel based on mystical, magical, yet medieval times. The incomplete work that I’ve touched on from time to time introduces a main character, an orphaned son who got left behind to live with his relatives in a small town. As he goes on a hunt, he finds himself in a precarious situation, dabbling into a wagging war between humans and elves. 

    —> I also wrote a short story for school that touched on dark and twisted turns, which delved in a more mystery and thriller tone about a psychopathic killer (main protagonist), a girl, and his innocent friends.

    —> Texting and communicating with each other is already another form of writing that can be considered in that we can always think back on how each person replies to each other and the wording used to produce a meaning.

    Mentioned in the Article, Bunn touches on how people already possess an understanding to being an “author”, how we as readers and writers have already obtained authorship through many means. Understanding and using our existing reading and writing skills allows us to better our college reading and writing career:

    1. Comparing our skills we have obtained with what we are reading and being able to receive new skills and ways of thinking. For example, Bunn talks about a method by introducing an essay written by former President Obama and how Obama started his essay using a quote (Pg 9, Para 5-8), Bunn makes us question how we could utilize this style of introduction into our essay while keeping us thinking about the advantages and disadvantages in starting an essay or any form of writing with a quote.
    2. It allows self expression, allowing us as writers and readers to create our own type of writing based on what we know, which is essential in college writing as we need to be able to express ourselves through our writing with arguments and ideas. 

    Mentioned earlier, Bunn talks about methods that can be used in our own writing. In the article, he talks about how Obama uses a quote to start his essay. I would try using quotes in my writing because it creates a chance for a lot of critical thinking and makes it clear what the moral of the writing could be about. Having a good quote can grab a reader’s attention, which can pique an interest that engages the readers.

  11. Ian Guevara

    When Mike Bunn says ” You are already an author I feel like it helps people really realize their capabilities as writers and what they can do. Sometimes while writing I see a side of myself that I do not normally see, and it surprises me. Things I might write in my daily life are lists. This helps me keep track of some things that might not be easy to remember off the top of my head. I also write down feelings that I would not begin to know how to express aloud to try to make sense of how I feel on paper and better my communication with others. I think that Buns’ existing expertise will help me in my reading and writing career as a college student by helping me widen my perspective on how far I can go with my writing so I can think bigger. In his article, Bunn describes the bad management he received at his job because they did not train him how they were supposed to, and then he further explains how it did not help him later in his career. I related to him a lot because from my own past experiences in other jobs, I have not gotten the right training myself and overall, it did not help me grow as a worker.

    Something I noticed in Buns article that I would like to explore in my own writing was his use of headings and making the reader stay interacted. I noticed while reading this that I can see how it keeps a reader interested in the article and how after reading a few paragraphs the reader can go back and answer the question given to understand Bunns’s perspective more and what he might really mean in his writing.

    • jacob.aplaca

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  12. Michelle Haddad

    In the article that Mike Bunn wrote one of his quotes was “You are already an author”. I feel he is informing the readers that we all have personal stories to tell the world. When I think of an author, I imagine someone who uses writing to share their emotions and stories. Sometimes it might be through writing, such as writing in your personal journal or for an assignment in which you incorporate your own work and storytelling. For example when you are a senior in high school, you are required to write college essays on your life or/and what shaped us into the people we are now. I prefer to think of everyone as an author in some way because they are expressing their story and expressing it through writing. Starting my works with a quote to catch the reader’s attention is something I enjoy and use in my daily life. It sometimes attracts my attention as a reader and captures my interest most of the time. Particularly when it links at the end and has a nice and smooth finish. Most of the time, I try to use quotes as my first sentence, but I also prefer to have a sentence that ties to the end of my first statement. This expertise will help me so much in the future and help me better understand what I am reading. This can really help my college reading because I can see the ways another writer constructed their story. It can help me gather more advanced words and form better and stronger sentences that have a flow and get straight to the point. I think something I would like to try is asking myself the questions he is telling the readers to ask themselves when reading stories. Like considering why the author made the techniques that they used and see if I like it and want to use it in future writing.

  13. Nicholas Buxo

    In this article, the author, Mike Bunn states “You are already an author.” In this statement, I believe he is saying that we as students and readers already possess the skills to identify context in a text and then emphasize it to an experienced level. On page 11, the text states, “ In depth, with regards to informed analysis and background information on context.” I very much agree with this quote because during the time I was being taught, my teachers would always provide us with different types of techniques to view a text. Psychoanalytic lens, Archetypal lens, Reader response lens, and even feminist lens. When I was writing an essay for my English class, I used marxist lens to analyze a book we were reading. A marxist lens for analyzing literature is helpful when reading articles pertaining to political, social, and philosophical beliefs in a classless society. Having a view like this in itself is good to have a better understanding when reading different texts. There is also the way we use words in everyday life. For me, my part time job deals with customer service. You must be able to properly converse with them and treat them with the utmost respect. After all, the customer is always right. Finally, how will having an expertise in analyzing text help in my future career. My major is electrical engineering, so being able to communicate and break down different schematics is important. When working in this field, being able to work efficiently with your team is critical for success. Then there is the area of looking through all the job sheets and instructions. Being proficient in getting the big picture or general idea is important. Having that tool for the future will help put me on a pedestal to help better my overall life.

    • jacob.aplaca

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  14. Evelyn Rosales

    In the article “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn, he writes “You are already an author”, and I think he is referring to the fact that everyone has a story to tell about their lives or about fictional stuff. Because I have a journal, I always use it to write about my life, or whenever I feel stressed about something. Writing about how that stressful day went relieves me of distress and makes me feel better when I do. According to Mike Bunn, the things we write are our stories, which we make our own through the use of different techniques. As a college student reading and writing, I can benefit from the words we use every day because we speak differently around different people. By always asking rhetorical questions, his writing keeps the reader interested, and he speaks like a friend to us, so the reader keeps reading. According to Mike Bunns, every word you say, every word you write, and even every thought you have makes you a writer. I will be able to use this existing expertise to improve my writing and reading skills in college because it will give me the confidence I need to write and read to understand the material. Bunns said to read like a writer you have to identify the choices the author made so you can better understand how such choices might arise in your own writing. As Mike Bunn writes, “You are already an author” because even though we may not intend to create a work of writing that we would like to share with others publicly and consider ourselves authors of it, we have written things in our daily lives. The fact that I already use words in my everyday life when introducing myself to someone new or doing any form of writing for any reason will greatly benefit my writing.

  15. Winson Chen

    In my own opinion, I think when Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author,” he is trying to tell the readers that what they are doing everyday when they read or write, they are already an author. It was just that you have never realized you are one this whole time. In the passage he talks about how there are different writing techniques, ways to understand the techniques an author uses, the genres an author would use in their writing, as well as how each author has their own ways of writing. This is what everyone has been doing this whole time. You have tried to write something or many things even before you have reached college. You probably think that teachers are telling you to do your draft and later you must edit and continue to revise your piece of writing many tims. But these are the way in which you write your own unique piece and that you are simply improving your own work. But that does not mean you are not an author. You would think that you are not an author because the writing was not good or something but at the end of the day, it is a piece of writing that you created. Also you have also written many different types of genre such as writing poems of a research paper in a MLA format. These things that you wrote are all created because they have an author.

    After reading the article, there are quite a few things that I believe I can try out that are very likely to help me for my future writing, class reports, and even during tests. Some of the techniques I will definitely try to use would be asking questions when you read an article or passage. At the same time I can use this technique when I write something as well. I can start by asking myself broad questions so there will first be a direction to where the writing will be written about. Then I can choose the genres that would most fit this piece of writing. Then I will create a structure of how this piece of writing will be created. Just like building a house, you must have a good foundation before you officially start writing.

  16. Jair

    Jair Perez 


    In “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” what I believe that he means by that is that everyone has the possibility to creativity and within themselves, There is an artist that just needs to be discovered and put to good use. The saying that you are already an author for me goes deeper than just writing it also includes life and the way we live our everyday lives and to some extent, I would even say how we think and how we operate as readers and writers. I believe that we are all authors we just need to discover how our story will go and if anything we can write our own stories because the future is all in our hands and in this case, the pen/pencil is in our hands to explore on our paper. I feel like I could implement this in my life and could relate to this in my everyday life as I am quite an interesting person and I am always doing something new so in that sense I am discovering new things and I am always learning new vocabulary that I put to use such as texting with my friends I learn a lot of slang from my friends that I sometimes tend to use when I am speaking in person to others. I feel like being able to understand people whether it’s through text or in person will definitely help me in my reading and writing career in college because as a reader I will be able to understand where the writer is coming from or even take the time to actually uncover what is actually being said and the author’s purpose. Now for the writing career in college, this helps tremendously because even though I may accidentally put abbreviations as if I were texting I would be able to express myself freely and clearly There would be no problem with me getting my point across making it easier for the readers( professors) to uncover the deeper meaning and understand the point that I would most likely be trying to make to fulfill the task that was asked of me. 

    Something that I noticed in Mike Bunn’s article “How to read like a writer” that I would like to implement and use in my own writing is when he stated, “It is helpful to continue to ask yourself questions as you read like a writer.”For me, it means that before you start writing it’s best that you know what you are actually gonna be writing and what it will pertain to and to also get an understanding of prompts and what is asked of you. I truly believe that this will go a long way and that this will be something that may be seen in the near future of my writing and reading skills. 

  17. Bryan Paguay

    In Mike Bunn’s article “How to read like a writer” he says “You are already an author”. What I believe this means is every person learns how to interpret texts differently and everyone has a potential to be an amazing writer with hidden talent. Mike Bunn states on page 8 “One word at a time was exactly the same way the author had written the text. I realized writing is a word-by-word, sentence-by sentence process”. By using this process Mike Bunn realizes there are variety of ways to become a better writer and reader such as ” I came to realize that all writing consists of a series of choices” which he then explains how if we identify the choices the author makes in his writing we can use those choices in our own writing to improve on ourselves when we “Read as a Writer”. Mike Dunn definitely gave me some ideas and opened my eyes to a lot of ways to better interpret a reading better and ask myself questions what the author is trying to convey to me, the step by step process he does Is going to help me in my college reading and writing career. In the article Bunn stated ” trying to understand how the piece of writing was put together by the author and what you can learn about writing by reading a particular text”. Which is something I will put into use in my future writing.

  18. Albert

    In mike bunn’s article “How To Read Like A Writer” He says “You Are Already An Author” what I think that he is trying to say with that is everyone that likes to read and write has the capacity to become a writer because they can learn how to tell a story about their lives or anything that they want to talk about.

    Something that I learned from Mike bunn’s article was some techniques or ideas of how to start writing an essay like what type of quotes should be good to start my essay.

    Something that I noticed in mike bunn’s article and that I would like to try to help me do better in my own writings was the part that says “what are some question to ask before you start reading” I think he’s trying to say with this part is that is important to know what are you going to read about or what’s the purpose of the book or poem that you are going to read.

  19. Destiny

    We write frequently, and maybe even some of us do so every day, and that’s not something you’d realize without stopping to think about it. ‘Writing’ doesn’t only apply to sitting down in front of a desk and preparing a paragraph for an assignment or email—it applies to the little things too. Sending someone a text, or jotting down what to get for groceries isn’t what typically comes to mind when referring to writing prospects. The same sort of thinking can be applied to reading if you stop to think about it as well. This is what Mike Bunn means when he says we are already authors; That even if we don’t realize or plan for it, writing is an integral part of our lives. So if you’re able to read his words, you must already be an author.

    While I don’t believe that these are sorts of expertise (I’m not writing paragraph-long shopping lists), writing in these little ways very often makes the process of writing an actual project much easier. If I never wrote or read anything outside of school, my literacy skills would be severely stunted. Glancing your eyes over restaurant menus and typing a quick “I’m home” text keeps your skills sharp.

    As I’m sure you’ve noticed in all my assignments so far, I’m a big fan of writing quick little jokes (like this) in parentheses (, they don’t even HAVE to be funny). For me, writing them is simple fun, like a breath of fresh air in a dense sea of English work jargon. Seeing that Bunn is a fan of the strategy as well made me instantly excited to read the text when I did (A WEEK AGO). He makes use of it quite frequently (, literally in the second paragraph), making the text very fun to read for me (personally). But as you can tell from how much I’ve used the parentheses, that’s the only strategy exhibited by Bunn that I resonate with.

    That doesn’t mean that the other strategies don’t deserve a mention, however, so here’s a list I’ve compiled:

    • Slanted text is a classic in the writing world. It helps to emphasize certain words or points. I used to tilt my head when reading them for fun, but that isn’t as optimal anymore.
    • Another classical strategy Bunn used in his text was the use of long dashes—or as I’ve learned searching them up for use—are professionally called em dashes. The cutting off of one’s own words is known to give readers pause, many times resetting their attention. I myself had initially planned to make use of one but decided against it. (And upon a re-reading of this draft, I’ve realized that I DID use it…)
    • The splitting of words in with a dash is something I’ve never seen before and may be entirely unique to Bunn (or maybe not, I don’t read many writers’ articles). I think it may have been a call back to how he says texts are written word-by-word, and so we should be reading word-by-word too. whenever I read a word split like so, it caused me to slow down and read the way he was trying to convince readers to do. Bunn being able to make me read this way was extremely inter-resting.
    • Lists after some sort of mini-prompt were also prominent. (It’s like the one you’re reading right now!) Typically Bunn used these to frame questions readers should ask themselves to start reading like a writer. Isolating these questions from the paragraphs makes them stand out, and makes it more likely the reader will pay attention to them, and coming from someone who was originally planning to skim through a text called “How to Read Like a Writer,” it helps a LOT.

    All of these strategies make the experience of reading Bunn’s passage a fun one from the reader’s perspective. But from a writer’s perspective, I don’t foresee myself making frequent use of any of these anytime soon.

  20. Kevin Nunez

      What I believe Mike bunn means by “You are already an author”, is how we as people are always watching what they say to the people there around. For example if you were talking to your friends you would use slang and vulgar language or if you were talking to your superior you would use respectful and formal language. This relates to reading like a writer because as your writing you have to make sure you know who your writing too and what type of language will work for them and as a reader your trying to understand the text as best as you can while forming your own opinions and criticisms for this text that u may or may not agree with( I’m trying to say that reading and writing a story is the equivalent of talking to someone and editing your speech so the person listening can understand you and form an opinion is some way). I use these techniques when I’m talking to people or writing to someone( like texts or emails) because different people require different forms of communication and word choices. Like if I’m talkin to my little brother I can’t use slang or vulgar language. If I’m writing an email to my boss then I have to be respectful in the writing and act as if they gave me the job of a lifetime. Some things I already write are fictional stories. They we’re writing assignments but I enjoyed them because I like to tell stories and doing these assignments gave me an opportunity to come up with a random topic and make a fictional story about it. Most of the stories written were a challenge because I had to add a message to them which meant I had to change a good portion of the story to incorporate the message but it was enjoyable no less.

  21. Maximo20

    When Mike Bunn writes ‘You are already an author’ in his article, he is addressing the reader to convey the idea that anyone engaged in writing, even a university student embarking on their academic writing journey, already has some prior experiences in writing. Bunn wants to emphasize that all individuals who have committed themselves to writing, whether in an academic or personal context, possess an innate potential to better understand and appreciate writing. In other words, he is referring to the notion that readers already possess a set of rudimentary skills and knowledge as writers, even if they do not consider themselves experienced writers.

    By acknowledging that the reader already possesses this foundation of writing experience, Bunn suggests that readers can leverage that experience to enhance their comprehension of the texts they read. By adopting a ‘reader as writer’ perspective, readers can analyze and question the decisions authors make in their texts, which helps them better grasp how messages are constructed and conveyed through writing. In summary, Bunn is encouraging readers to recognize their own potential as budding authors and to use that perspective to read more critically and effectively.

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