Taught by Jacob Aplaca

First Post of Fall 2023!

Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course and college in general as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to. Then…

  • Talk about your study skills. What works for you and what doesn’t? What do you need to learn how to do better?
  • Talk about your worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being a college student… whatever you want to. No censoring–except keep it kind of clean, please.
  • Finally, add a picture that means something to you, and explain why you chose it — why does it mean something to you?

In total, aim to write at least 500 words.

Check back in and comment on your peers’ work! (At least 2! Prioritize those students who do not have many or any comments on their posts when you look.)



  1. Jair


  2. sonkerry

    stressful. When I am told to study the skills that work best for me are studying a few days prior to the exam or quiz. I have never been able to study days on end and remember the material that I learn. I have remembered most of my materials due to preparing 3 or 4 days prior. What I need to learn to do better is ask for help. I am terrible at asking for help because I believe that I can do everything on my own. I have never asked for help when studying or studied much to begin with. My worries for college is the amount of work in such little time we have to complete it. You get classes that are put in a week and each class has an assignment that is tedious. I think college is more about connections and networking. To leave college with a connection that can make living your adult life easier or more accessible.


    I chose this image because it is a movie series that I used to binge a lot when I was younger. It gave me comfort and a sort of peace. You can say like Mr.Stredder it gave me a will to live. I would connect to these characters and would even wish to be in a place like Hogwarts. As a child this movie series would fill my imagination and keep me engage and away from the horrors of the real world.

    • Ismael

      I agree on your studying skills, I also believe that when studying it is best to do it only a couple of days before the actual exam that way you can actually remember the material.

  3. Ismael

    One word to describe how I feel about this class and college in general is anxious due to the amount of work that follows the thought of going to college as a whole. Everyone always tells you college is a completely different ball game compared to high school. Depending on who you are and how you performed in high school some people would even tell you not to go because you wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. Which I do believe and understand and is also the reason why I admire those who go to college and have jobs. For this class specifically I said I was anxious because English is not my strong suit at all, I genuinely enjoy math and science over any form of literature and reading. If I had to put into words why that is I always tell people the same thing which is in english you spend half the time having to explain why an answer is correct or why it’s better than another answer that is written almost the same but is still somehow different while in math and science there’s only one answer for every problem and the “explanation” for them is simply the calculations used to get to that answer. Besides that it’s also the fact that I just don’t like reading and writing and as for why I simply don’t know. Reading for a long period of time gets me sleepy no matter the amount of sleep I get the night before and as for writing my thoughts don”t particularly flow as easily as I wish they would, it’s as if I need to force them out or think of something “that I wouldn’t think of” which weirdly enough works. My studying skills can be considered as abnormal because while the norm is to be in a quiet space with no distractions I actually prefer to study with some noise in the background whether it’s music or the sound of other peoples voices, it somehow helps me focus. Don’t get me wrong, even I can’t focus with extremely loud noises in the background, the subtle tone of a song or the eavesdropping of someone’s conversation goes a long way. Even in those conditions that allow me to focus better I still need to learn how to actually retain and remember the things I’m studying and writing down. My main concern is how being a full time student will affect my outside life whether it’s my sleeping schedule or my social life.


    Above is a picture of a Shoji lamp which is basically a Japanese style lamp which I had to make in a program I was in for two years in high school called STEAM. The reason it means something to me is because I had to make it from scratch on my own with wood and chipboard using a laser cutter and it turned out great. I tried to upload a photo of the one I made but it wouldn’t let me.

    • sonkerry

      I agree with your thoughts on college

    • Andrew

      I agree with you the whole way because i don’t like English ether I find it boring i like math better because it keeps my brain working and there only one answer and also about your study skills i need music to and i also feel anxious to

  4. Albert

    Good that’s how I feel about this course, it’s interesting to me because I want to learn about it. I feel good being in college because it’s a different experience in life and a opportunity to learn about new things.

    my study skills are good because I tried my best while I was in high school and I learned about stuffs that are important in life and things that can be helpful for my future.

    Some things that works for me to do better in class is like when I ask my teacher about a class or homework that I don’t understand and they explain it to me so it would be easier for me to complete the class, also is even better if they explain something to me because I would learn about it and I wouldn’t have to ask them again.

    Some things that don’t work for me in class is when I start getting distracted by my friends or my phone because I don’t focus on what the teacher is explaining.

    I need to learn how to write better because I think my writing skills are not good enough so I’m going to try my best to learn how to get better in my writing skills. I also need to learn how to focus more in class because I get distracted some

    • sonkerry

      focusing can be hard for everyone

    • Andrew

      I agree with you because I always tend not to ask question and try it figure it out myself

  5. Albert

    times and that’s not good because if one of my teachers is teaching about a class and I’m not paying attention then I’m not going to learn about anything.

    one of my biggest worries in college is if I failed a class because is going to be a problem for me to graduate and achieve my goals.

    my reaction to the first reading was a little bit confusing at first because I wasn’t paying enough attention but then after a while I focused on reading it and I finally understood the reading.

    basketball means a lot to me I play with my cousins and friends and I have a good time while playing with them, I chose to put this basketball picture because is my favorite sport and I like when I’m playing basketball

    • Winson Chen

      I agree that basketball is a very fun sport to play especially when you have multiple people playing. It makes basketball more interesting and competitive as well as improving communication skills as you communicate with each other.

  6. Roheemot

    One word that describes how I feel about this course and college in general is anxious and this is due to the fact that college comes with a lot of workload.

    •  When it comes to my study skill, skimming works best for me; I try to get a general overview of the course material after which I move on to analysing. Analysing helps me break down the course material into bits and this enables me to have an in-depth knowledge of what the course entails.
    •  Moving on to what doesn’t work for me, Procrastination is an enemy of progress;I have always been a cunctator and this has never ended well for me because I’m always left with an accumulated workload to finish at a limited period but I look forward to being less of a cunctator this semester. I need to learn how to find my way around words. I suck at expressing myself ; I have a lot to say in my head but to express those thoughts with words is a huge problem for me and this makes me keep to myself most times but I know I can overcome this by developing the habit of reading.
    • My worries about being a college student is balancing college’s workload with my other day to day activities. College can be really demanding but who am I to complain? Lol Bagging that degree is the ultimate goal.  

    • The picture above means something to me because it depicts a parable told by Jesus in the bible about a lost sheep. The picture shows a shepherd (God) going after the lost sheep (sinner). It shows that the kingdom of God is accessible to  everyone and that God’s love for us is above every other love.
    • Ismael

      Something that I forgot to mention in my own comment was the fear I have for falling back into my old habits of procrastination. It was the main cause for so many assignments not getting done in the past that I really hope I don’t return to that horrible habit.

  7. angel

    1.The way I would describe my study skills would be very organized. What works best for me is when I have a sufficient amount of time. I’m able to have an adequate amount of time due to planning my schedule out and having in mind that I also have other work to accomplish for other professors. Another thing that works best for me is notes. Notes are a major part of my study skills that help me complete and study for work that is given. Self-discipline is another part of me, for example, whenever I tend to get stuck on difficult questions, I control my stress instead of freaking out about it. I contain my emotions in place and try to find other solutions for it. Another skill I would label is, studying a few minutes before a quiz/test. Usually when I would do this, it would benefit me greatly, and my scores would come out more improved. Something I need to do better overall is study. There have been times in my academic career where I would have some days where I study a lot, but usually I would skim through studying days and would always leave it at the last minute. Adding on, at times skimming through would benefit me best, so I would consider it evened out. 

    2.First off, one of my worries is how heavy the readings may be for this class. Although I would consider myself good with readings that are given, at times I seem to struggle with heavy and large readings with lots of new content I don’t know much about. As a college student, one of my main concerns would be adjusting to this new challenge in my life. Every time I started school I quickly adjusted. However, with this, adapting will be more challenging and additional hurdles will surface. As a college student now, I would say I’m also very excited to start this chapter of life as it will determine many things such, self growth, independence, and just overall where this path will lead me to.

    3.The reason this picture below means something to me is because it shows the beauty of nature and our planet. The vast greenery mountains, the handmade buildings below, the roads paved by individuals, the bright blue sky, and the entire view of outer space off in the distance. Additionally, seeing this view from the air makes you wonder, what more is out there that we don’t know of?

    • Winson Chen

      I totally agree with the fact that reading in English class would be a struggle especially when the text is so boring that makes me fall asleep.

  8. Winson Chen

    My one word to describe this college in general would be “expecting” because I am really looking forward to this college life that I will be starting. As a freshman, what is happening now is new to me. At the same time, I haven’t come back to Brooklyn for a few years caused me the need to get used to city life again. 

    Some of the study skills I use would be chunking what needs to be studied separately, removing what is easy so I don’t have to go over what I already know and just rereading my notes. These are also ways that I personally feel comfortable using when studying, especially tests that are hard such as finals or midterms. Some of the study skills that don’t work would be reading everything at the same time and using flash cards. One thing I need to do better at has always been time management on almost everything. These include going on electronics, sleeping, eating, and exercising. I go on my phone a lot to read novels when I’m free like during my eating time. This on the other hand causes me to always be the last one to finish my food. During exercise, I sometimes forget how long I’ve been doing the same thing so my muscles get tired. As for sleeping, due to not having enough sleep in high school because my teacher was heavy on homework, I had to do them overnight so I would tend to sleep longer.

    As I move into college, my worries would be if I could get good grades as they are the key to looking for good careers in my future. My worry for lifestyle would need time to get used to living a city life again. This includes managing time between college, work, free time, study time, and sleep time. My reaction toward being a college student was more of a shock because, in my past twelve years of school, it has always been getting up early for school; five days a week; same vacation day, and the same amount of time for each class; say the pledge and hearing the bell ring again and again. But as a freshman, just entering college, this has completely changed. These include but are not limited to, class schedule, days of school, right to choose time for certain classes, no bells just get out, and basically almost at the end of the bridge to adulthood. Before college, when you go to school, there is always this one teacher who says “No phones, don’t randomly talk, must raise your hand.” Also one of the most annoying ones which even my high school teacher agreed on was students needing a pass in order to use a bathroom when it was an emergency. They would be like “No, only three people are allowed in the bathroom, the rest wait patiently.” Then who knows some unlucky person will find out they had kidney disorder when they went to the doctors.

    Image result for family of four image cartoon

    I chose this image because they are the ones that brought me to where I am today. My family is the one that shaped me into the type of person I am today. Without their support, I would not be able to get to where I am today. Or to say I would not be successful at all. They were the ones that always supported me during hard times.

    • Andrew

      I feel the same way because at times it feels like we broken a cycle and have more freedom but also i am worried about getting good grades

    • Evelyn Rosales

      I love the picture you choose and the reason why you said that picture is important to you because like you said because of my family’s support thanks to them i am where i am at today.

  9. Andrew

    I feel pressure about this course and college because I feel like i have a lot of expectations i need to fill full for my own and i don’t wanna let myself down or my family.Also the workload that the class brings I am scared to fall under pressure because at times i don’t know what to do under pressure and then i just start pro casting and pushing it to the side and also scared of the workload i am get for other class.I say my study skills aren’t the best because i usually don’t study because I tend to get distracted easily then forget to do it in general.Also I find it hard to focus when i try to study then i just push it aside and say i do it later.But what works for me is listening to music that sets the vibe for studying and for me.Also i like to play with like a little ball because it just helps me focus more and stay focus on studying because it just keep my mind working and not worrying but what in front of me.Also i like to be alone and just let me do me and no one bothering me because i don’t know when i am alone in my room with my music I just focus and get everything done.What doesn’t work for me is having people around while studying because i get distract and just start making small talk and talking to them.Also having my phone by me because I always check my phone then stay on it and get side tracked by going to youtube and watching videos for hours or go on tik tok and keep on swiping. Also, I am sitting in a chair. I just can’t study like that. I usually stay on my bed to do work because I need to be comfortable to study or work.

     My concerns about college is that I slack on the work and don’t do it on time because of my work of other classes but also i push it aside by saying i do it tomorrow but never ever do it and forget about the assignment.Also me getting there late because i sometimes i find hard to wake up in the mornings and getting up from bed.But also failing classes in college because I know these class aren’t free and that i will have to pay for them.Also being in college feels good but also feel like it came to fast time be moving fast and it taking a while to get use to knowing I am in college because I remember my brother going to college and it felt so far away but i came so fast.My high school years felt it went by a flash because of covid.


    I chose this picture because I love the night time and looking into the sky and talking because I just feel comfortable like just looking into the sky and just hearing quiet.Also i think it represent me a little bit because i Usually just do my own thing and my mind own business and stuff like that.Also i think the night is very calming because no one is usually outside and it quiet and peaceful and i like that.

    • Destiny

      I also start shutting down and procrastinating, usually after just one missed assignment. And same to telling myself I’d work on something as well and not doing it at all. I had planned to do this assignment originally right after class but I spent time walking around the campus instead.

  10. Jair

    Jair Perez 

    The word that used was ready because I feel I have somewhat of an understanding of what is expected and what I have to do for class this semester and I can’t wait to start getting into the groove and get work done.

    So my study skills are something that I am definitely going have to work on since I have none, however Something that I can start doing is firstly start studying and focus on organization along with time management and scheduling the time I have to make use of it since i have a habit of wasting time i gotta fix up on that and i gotta work on. Something that I would say I’m pretty good at is that I am a pretty good learner and I can absorb info pretty quickly and I can put what I learned on paper and show it. I would also say that I am pretty good at making inferences and giving relatively accurate responses. Something that I hope to do better in this class is to more profound in my reading and writing as I will hopefully make mistakes along the way so I can spot them to learn and improve from them. I can’t wait to grow and develop as a college student at City Tech and I can’t wait to meet and befriend new people that I will be alongside for this semester. Something I can’t wait for is to experience freedom and be all by myself and do my own thing rather than having to stick to a certain schedule or timing everything is on my own timing and I can be an adult in its earliest stages,

    The image I chose was a football, for me, football has always been an important part of my life as the one thing I put the most time and effort into (after my education of course) for me football is the one thing that can take me away from everything and where i can be myself and enjoy myself along with the physicality of it is something that i love so much about it. Football for me is quite literally my main hobby

    • Destiny

      I envy being able to feel so ready despite having no study skills. Having that high level of faith in your abilities in my opinion is the second best thing you can have after that.

    • Evelyn Rosales

      Im so jealous that your are a fast learner because I’m definitely not a fast learner and it takes me a while to actually understand the topic.

  11. Elizabeth Galvez

    My name is Elizabeth Galvez. One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course and college is curious. I feel curious because I wonder what the new materials will be, what I’ll be learning and how my time in college will affect me. 

    My study skills are okay. I tend to try to study a week or three days before an exam. I am very good at taking notes and staying organized. What doesn’t quite work for me is that I tend to forget information sometimes, not really ask for help when needed and just figure it out on my own. I will improve in this little by little by continuously studying and testing myself to do better. In doing better I will ask questions and ask for help when needed.

    I’m not worried much about the readings that will be given. I am worried about the deadlines for some assignments since I don’t like feeling rushed when deadlines are short. Either way, becoming a college student seems exciting to me. At first I was nervous since I tend to focus a lot on how my grades look and how it’ll affect me but as long as I stay on track and on top of my work I’ll be fine. 

    Lastly, the picture below means a lot to me because it is a reminder to myself that I love myself and for who I am. Whenever I feel down I rethink about the love I have for myself and the confidence I have to keep thriving, staying on the right track and always remembering to stay positive.

  12. Elizabeth Galvez

    My name is Elizabeth Galvez. One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course and college is curious. I feel curious because I wonder what the new materials will be, what I’ll be learning and how my time in college will affect me. 

    My study skills are okay. I tend to try to study a week or three days before an exam. I am very good at taking notes and staying organized. What doesn’t quite work for me is that I tend to forget information sometimes, not really ask for help when needed and just figure it out on my own. I will improve in this little by little by continuously studying and testing myself to do better. In doing better I will ask questions and ask for help when needed.

    I’m not worried much about the readings that will be given. I am worried about the deadlines for some assignments since I don’t like feeling rushed when deadlines are short. Either way, becoming a college student seems exciting to me. At first I was nervous since I tend to focus a lot on how my grades look and how it’ll affect me but as long as I stay on track and on top of my work I’ll be fine. 

    Lastly, the picture below means a lot to me because it is a reminder to myself that I love myself and for who I am. Whenever I feel down I rethink about the love I have for myself and the confidence I have to keep thriving, staying on the right track and always remembering to stay positive.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Comment (Private): (show)

      NOTE: Private response is visible only to instructors and to the post’s author.

  13. Destiny

    I feel unhappy about starting this course, writing usually hurts my brain so I specifically avoided taking it in my first semester. A goal of 500 words just seems so unsurmountable (I even had to search that word up). But its way easier when you write filler words like what I just did. Twice.

    I’ve never had great study skills (or work skills for that matter. I’m writing this at 2am). Whenever I annotate, I put too much down on the page and can’t get through the content fast enough. My favorite study method is to flip through the syllabus, find a YouTube video on the subject a day before the class, and speed review before the lesson even begins. This would obviously work better with science or math (both subjects I actually like). And although the method is my favorite, it won’t ever work if I can’t bring myself to actually do it. Last semester, I usually ended up watching the videos in my seat minutes before the professor arrived. There were many times while commuting on the bus I sat watching entertainment videos on my phone when I knew very well I should be ‘studying’ instead. Sometimes I (thankfully) caved and started watching an informative video, usually moments before I reached the campus. Other terrible times include when I even gave myself the excuse of window watching instead of reviewing what I knew I needed to succeed. Thinking back, I can’t really remember any study methods that worked consistently for me, and I think the reason why is because I don’t often try exploring other methods. This idea stuck out to me in the canvas presentation. Although not related to studying exactly, something new I tried this semester was purchasing a planner. It was cheap, just $1.25 for an organization tool that lasts all the way until the end of August next year. I actually bought all my supplies in a single run to dollar tree (a WEEK before classes) and it was probably the best choice I’ve made so far. Last semester I expected my close family members to hand me the materials I needed by giving them a list to follow. With a planner, I don’t constantly need to log into a webpage and use CUNY’s clunky but required websites. Everything is written down in a small book in a way that I can understand it. Time management is my biggest flaw. Even with lessened distractions in my life I still manage to push off my work til’ the last moment.

    My biggest worry about college was being distracted by my own resources. Owning a gaming laptop has been a blessing and a curse. I’m able to run all the programs I need for other classes with ease, but there’s always a nagging itch in the back of my head telling me to stop working for a short break (it’s never a short break) and play a game instead. During the majority of last semester, the itch won. I ended accidentally solving that problem when I got home after our first class together. How? I took my laptop out of my bag to (probably not) get started on my work, and there was a big black bar in the middle of it. The LCD had somehow gotten cracked on the way home. I think I need a carrying case. So now I’m writing this on my phone, in a Discord text box to an alt account, something I greatly prefer to a notepad app on a wide TV, that I also need to pull up a (greatly uncomfortable) dining chair to be able to write anything at all. I’ll have to end up doing that anyway, just to do some finishing touches.


    >:( No more fortnite.

    • Jair

      The short break which is not so short break is extremely relatable I say it’s gonna be a quick break which ends up being a entire journey.

  14. Josh


    My study skills really include watching videos on YouTube like if having difficulties with a subject such as math watch videos or use well known-helpful websites so I can get a better understanding of the subject. Also, when I get notes from class I go over them until I completely know what class is all about and what I’m supposed to do. Some things I’d say that don’t work for me are explanations with no examples or visuals because I’m really a visual learner, remembering things is so much easier that way. I need to learn to ask questions when needed or in the moment because there’s times I would have a question but I just would refuse to ask all due to the fact I know later down the road I’ll figure it out. Maybe you can say it’s a strong mindset thing, as in figure it out but sometimes I feel as though I could save myself the trouble of having to find out myself rather than just receive help or ask.

    I personally wouldn’t say I have worries when it comes to reading. I just don’t want to be reading mad lump sum texts and books failing to get the jist or point. That is something I want to avoid, like the simple fact of reading just to read. I want to be able to relate or get a sense of desire to read whatever is being taught. In regards to being a college student I just want to do my work on time, pass all my classes, and be in good standing with all my teachers. After all, I came to get my degree so I want to be on my A game resulting in great grades & success in reaching all my goals. Truly as I’m in this class I seek to become a better writer and develop great clarity with words because I know I can write but it’s definitely not my forte whereas speaking I have many ideas but sometimes it is hard putting it into one making a strong or clear point. That issue tends to make me talk from a general standpoint more often than to go in depth or be direct with particular topics/things.

    I selected this picture because it represents me & my friends, and how building bonds can make you discover new things about yourself. Respectfully I’m really an indoor person but through meeting my friends as you see in the picture, I started going out and seeking to enjoy life. Now I enjoy going out to eat, shopping, & exploring around the city. Before it was literally basketball, the deli, and the crib. In addition, the picture makes me think of how time flies fast and knowing how I’m in college I should embrace every moment I get such as meeting new people, learning all I can, and even seek to partake in clubs or activities I thought at one point was boring. Lastly this picture really just shows I love being myself & trying new things, this was the best I could find besides a basketball in my hand.

  15. Evelyn Rosales

    I feel excited because one of the things I like doing a lot is writing even though it gives me a little headache but I still very much enjoy writing. The best study skills I have are studying while listening to relaxing music while studying. Among my studying skills that don’t help me is when I do my homework at home. I feel that being home doesn’t help me concentrate, so I find that when I go to places like cafes where other people are studying or working, it also motivates me to work harder and study more. Something I need to learn how to do better is learning how to properly study and also remembering the things i learn in class, because i tend to forget quickly which i don’t like, so one thing I wanna do is go over my notes every once in a while. My worries about college in general are the amount of work we will get and the very little time we have in order to complete everything from every class. I worry about not being able to finish it on time, but this year i wanna make sure that i’m always on top of everything.


    I know this picture may seem very simple, but this picture right here means so much to me, because this was the very first time i was finally able to travel with my dad after him not being able to go to his country for 23 years and now he is legally able to travel anywhere. I took this picture when we had landed at the airport at our hometown and i just couldn’t believe that he was there with me, also including my little brother. We have been waiting for this day to come. We struggled so much for this to happen, after so much sweat and tears and a lot of paper signing, my dad was able to reach his dream. That’s why this picture is so important to me because i was very happy to see my dad happy to be back in his country.

    • Evelyn Rosales

      I forgot to mention that my dad is actually the one carrying the backpack with glasses on.

  16. Bryan Paguay

    One word to describe how I feel about this course and school year is anxious. This course in particular because I like to perfect my writing, and it is easy for me to overthink my writing and start over. This semester overall I feel anxious due to the prior year of procrastinating my assignments, I don’t want this school year to be the same.

    I don’t really have any study skills I just let everything flow, although I do like listening to music once in a while just to ease my nerves, what really doesn’t work for me is learning about a new topic or lesson through a device, Im. more of a hands on learner ,which is why I much rather prefer in class then hybrid or remote classes. Personally I don’t have any worries or concerns about being a college student I try to keep my mind clear and stay composed even though sometimes college can get challenging. Having to go to work after school helps me be more responsible knowing I have to balance 2 major things in my life.

    This picture means a lot to me because it shows the work I can put into something it can pay off and learn from mistakes, to start from the bottom and build foundation ,because you can’t build your way starting from the top.

  17. Jeniah Charles

    I am feeling nervous about this course and college because I know I can procrastinate a lot. My study skills are like I would have to work where it’s quiet and peaceful. I would rather work in the day because at night is where I want to relax and sleep. Then again it’s hard during the day because it’s a lot of noise so it’s hard to focus. Then again if I learn to tune the noise out and just focus I’ll be good to go. I need to remain focused on the topic at hand and get it done without wasting time. As I get older my study skills change because sometimes studying with other people helps me better than studying by myself.

    My worries and concerns about the reading are that I wouldn’t understand it. The college reading level is higher so I would assume trying to find the deeper meaning would be hard. Also trying to read it and re-read it to answer certain questions about it would be confusing. Being a college student is going to be hard because I’m still trying to figure things out and how I’m going to keep up with this work. Trying to find my classes and remembering certain things that I learned in class is going to be a hassle. I could tell I’m going to have to adjust to this but I got it.

    ?w=1024″ alt=”Streaming Royalties: Billion-Dollar Fight Between Music Biz and DSPs – Variety”>

    Music means a lot to me cause it helped me through my toughest battles. It helped me remain happy when I needed to. It helped me remain calm and peaceful in situations. It even made me sad thinking about things from the past. But all in all, music is really helpful it even helps me when I need to get my work done. I love music I love that there are different types of music. All in all, this is like a stress reliever because I feel like nothing can bother me when music is playing.

  18. Olivia P

    One word to describe how I feel about this class and college in general is nervous. I’m anxious about all the coursework and how I’m going to manage it all with all of my classes. I tend to procrastinate a lot and leave everything till the last minute. A study skill that works for me is doing my homework or studying in a library or somewhere that’s not at my house. My house tends to be loud and is very distracting. I don’t like doing homework or studying at home because I get easily distracted and instead of it taking me an hour to do something it takes me three. One thing I am good at is meeting deadlines. This is because I’m very organized and I like planning everything out on my digital calendar. I like making to-do lists so that I don’t miss the due date.

  19. Kevin Z.

    Word – Annoyed: I’ve been annoyed with the process with my scheduling and other issues with college transition, mainly because I couldn’t receive the credits that was due from my previous classes which would have let me move onto other courses. One example was my College Calculus class that I took in Junior year of high school that didn’t receive any college credit because my school didn’t add us to the roster and set it up (this happened to half the class). That resulted in us not being able to receive college credit from York College that was being offered


    I study with music, listening to music helps calm down my mind and focus at the task at hand. Vibing to music or hanging out with my friends in call while studying or doing my homeworks makes me more productive (my ADHD acts up a lot).

    My worries for the course is that I won’t be able to access some things like the technical issue above and sometimes being late to class for the start because I’m still transitioning from Summer to School.

    • jacob.aplaca

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  20. Nicholas Buxo

    One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course and my college life moving forward is enthusiastic. College is still new to me and looking forward to correctly navigating through my time here. In regards to studying I like to have the material before and after we discuss it. Before to have a general idea and after so I can look at any areas I missed. What I would like to work on is mostly my attention span. When I study, I get distracted by all the things around me and then when I look back at my clock two hour’s have already passed. One thing that I have a concern about is transitioning from being a high  School student to a college student. There are way more responsibilities that I need to account for. Being responsible for my self as a person will be difficult. My parents want to promote my individualism so they will help less when it comes to my affairs. Things like clothes, textbooks, transportation, and even everyday necessities will be paid out of my pocket. Recently, I got a part time job, so that helps in its own way, but having to balance work and school is going to be very tiring. Another concern I have is just the basic start up of being in college. Already I’ve been in the wrong classroom, I can’t get access to my college email, and then I had to wait 2 and a half hours to get my school id. There are also the new platforms I need to get comfortable with. Having to always be aware of new classroom announcements as well as monitoring when a class has any open room so I can apply for it.

    I chose this photo because one thing I really like to do is read light novels. One novel I very much enjoyed in high school was called 1984. 1984 takes place in a dystopian society, a society that imposes harmful, tyrannical, and miserable lifestyles. The government practices oppression and dehumanization to control its citizens. Since the assignment was to read the book through an analytical lens, the one I used was Marxist. Marxist lens is a type of literary criticism based on the writings of German philosopher Karl Marx. Marxist criticism attempts to show the relationship between literature and the social mainly economic conditions

    • Kevin Nunez

      I like stories like the one you talked about, where there’s a message on the worlds political system and how close we are as a society to reaching the dystopian state shown in novels like that.

  21. Kevin Nunez

      One word that describes my feeling towards this course relieved because it feels like it’s gonna be interesting compared to the other classes. I don’t study nor do I know how I would go about studying. Normally(at least for me), when it comes to any form of note taking or revising work to memorize it, I don’t do any of that. I mostly rely on memory to get me through my school work and when it comes to tests I rely on my memory. At Least for math tests anyway. For any other other class If I don’t know or can’t remember the answer I use the process of elimination to get my answers. In terms any assistance I may need, please make any instructions you give easy and not confusing to understand. My concerns about college is if City tech is the right fit for me. See when I was picking out colleges, I choose this one fir the fact that it was a four year, a tech school, and still in New York. That and I wanted to get the college process over and I was takin to long to pick a school. It wasn’t until after I finished the whole college process and financial aid that I actually looked at reviews on the school and none of them were good. This made me instantly regret choosing this place. But I thought I was being paranoid so I asked a friend of mine who goes here and she said this place could use improvements. This made me doubt the school a bit more. Orientation gave me a bit of hope but, when I actually started class I didn’t feel motivated or interested in the subjects. Even my major( which is a field I genuinely want to study and pursue in life mostly because of the money and I like computers) felt uninteresting. I just hope that later in the semester I’m wrong about this place and that my major becomes a bit more interesting to learn. 

    This picture means a lot to me Because this summer was my first time getting a job and that’s me in my work uniform. I really enjoyed this job Suprisingly and would be excited to come in everyday even if I was tired or pissed off. It was also my first time makin some real money without having to beg, bribe, or do a dare for some cash. I’ll cherish my memories in my first job because they were all enjoyable and I made a few life long friends from this job.

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