ENGL1101, MW 4-5:40 p.m.

Taught by Jacob Aplaca

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Mandatory Library Visit Tuesday! (CUNY Classes Following a MONDAY Schedule Next Tuesday 10/10)

Please remember that on Tuesday, 10/10, classes at CUNY will be following a MONDAY schedule.

This means that we WILL have a class meeting on Tuesday. However, instead of meeting in our usual classroom, we will be meeting in the Library.

On Tuesday, please meet me and the librarian at the fourth-floor entrance of the library at 4 p.m. sharp.

Remember that our visit to the library is mandatory and that you will be required to use a library resource for your second writing assignment in this class. Therefore, the information you get on Tuesday will be crucial to your success.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sixth Post of the Semester (Curiosity) [DUE WEDNESDAY, 10/11]

For your sixth post assignment, actively read and be ready to discuss in class “Schools are Killing Curiosity” from The Guardian  and  “Research Starts with a Thesis Statement” from Bad Ideas about Writing

Then, write a blog post of at least 400 words addressing the following questions;

What is something you were interested in when you were a kid? Are you still interested in that topic? How did asking questions help you learn more about that topic? If so, how has your curiosity changed and grown over the years? And what role did the educational system play in your curiosity (good or bad)?

If you are not interested in this topic anymore, what do you think happened to that interest? Do you remember the specific time you LOST interest?  What did you become interested in instead (and why)?

Submit this at least two hours before class on Wednesday, 10/11!

Finally, when you have some time, think earnestly about a topic you are interested in, something you might want to know more about and focus on for your Unit 2 assignment.

This can be something heavy, like police brutality, or it can be something that seems on the surface more light-hearted, like ballet. The only criterion is that you are actually curious about it. This may seem like strange advice, but it can be helpful to go for a walk and think about topics you’d like to write about. Come home and jot down a few notes. You will soon be expected to have some idea of a topic you’d like to research, even if it’s a bit vague.

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