Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Author: jacob.aplaca (Page 8 of 10)

What to Do for Wednesday, 9/20 (Rough Draft Due!)

On Wednesday, 9/20, we will be completing a peer review activity in class. To do so, you will need to bring the following:

  • A typed, hard-copy rough draft of your Unit 1 essay. This draft must be at least 800 words. I will be checking your drafts in class before we start in order to give you credit.
    • Again, make sure your draft is TYPED. Also, please use a 12 pt., Times New Roman font, and double-space your essay.
  • Something to write with.

Also, please be prepared to do a little in-class work on your essay. This means bringing pens/paper, a laptop, and/or a tablet.

What to Do Over the Weekend (START WRITING YOUR ESSAY!)

You have several tasks to complete before I see you on Monday, 9/18

  1. Begin earnestly planning and WRITING a draft of your Unit 1 Education Narrative. (Remember that, as listed on the schedule, a rough draft of your Education Narrative of at least 800 words will be due on WEDNESDAY 9/20).
  2. Watch this slide show about emailing a professor, and then write me an email before we meet either: 
    • Asking me a question about Unit 1. This can be a question you have about the assignment or about your essay in particular OR
    • Explaining to me how your essay is going.
  3. Come to class on Monday prepared to do a little in-class work on your essay. This means coming to class on Monday with either pens/paper, a personal laptop, or a tablet.

Fourth Post of the Semester! (Paragraphs and Concrete, Significant Detail)

For your fourth post assignment, please complete the following tasks:

REVIEW: Please review the handout on paragraphs we went over in class.  Please also watch this slide show for more information on paragraphs.

THINK: Think of one specific incident that changed your views on education. Picture the scene. (This video takes you through the activity we did in class.)

WRITE: Write a blog post of at least two distinct paragraphs describing one specific incident that changed your views on education using Concrete, Significant detail. The incident you described in class will be a great place to start.

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