Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Eighth Post of the Semester (Finding Your Sources and Starting Your RAB)

Before we meet again on Monday, 10/23, you should locate all three of the sources you plan on using for your Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography assignment.

The post assignment over the weekend is fairly simple. Find your THREE sources, and in a comment below, list them out.

Include the TITLES of the sources, the sources’ AUTHOR or AUTHORS(or the organization that created it if it was not created by any one person), the PUBLISHER of the source, and the GENRE of the source.

For example, if one of your sources was the article from the Guardian “Schools are Killing Curiosity,” you would include the following:

  • “Schools are Killing Curiosity” by Wendy Berliner. Published by the Guardian. Online Newspaper Article.

Alternatively, if one of your sources was the YouTube video about black holes, you would include the following:

  • “Black Holes Explained — From Birth to Death” by Kurzgesagt (an organization). Published on YouTube. Online Video.

Please remember that you must have THREE sources in THREE different genres.

Keep in mind that you will be required to post a rough draft of your first source entry on Wednesday, 10/25. SO GET STARTED NOW!

FINALLY, if you have not completed your seventh post assignment and commented on the seventh posts of two of your peers, do so ASAP.



  1. sonkerry

    Wynn, L.L. “Shape shifting lizard people, Israelite slaves, and other theories of Pyramid Building.” Journal of Social Archaeology, vol. 8, no. 2, 2008, pp. 272–295, Journal/ Academic Resource

    Roegan, Joe. “Randall Carlson & Graham Hancock on Lost Technology and the Great Pyramids.” YouTube Video

    Reuters, Reuters. “Pyramids, Stars and a Theory about Egypt (Published 2000).” The New York Times, The New York Times, 16 Nov. 2000, Online Newspaper

  2. howard chan

    Kreps, Sarah, et al. “Exploring the artificial intelligence ‘Trust paradox’: Evidence from a survey experiment in the United States.” PLoS ONE, vol. 18, no. 7, 18 July 2023, p. e0288109, Academic Journal

    Schumann, Garrett. “Roll Over, Beethoven. Again.” New York Times, 11 June 2023, p. 8(L), News

    “Artificial Intelligence (AI).” Gale Video Series, 17 Apr. 2020 by Gale, Video

  3. Adriano Franca

    “The Arab-Israeli War of 1948” published by the Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute. Online Milestone Article.

    “How Media Reports of ‘Clashes’ Mislead Americans about Israeli-Palestinian Violence” by Maha Nassar. Published by Gale. Peer Reviewed Essay.

    “Global Perspectives on the Hamas Attacks on Israel” by Abdulaziz Sager, Muriel Asseburg, Jin Liangxiang and Akram Ezzamouri. Published by GRC, SWP, SIIS, and IAI. Global Memo.

    “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” by the Center for Preventive Action. Published by Global Conflict Tracker. Online Newspaper.

  4. Bjorni Hasan

    Kumar, M.; Panda, K.P.; Naayagi, R.T.; Thakur, R.; Panda, G. Academic Editors: Federico Barrero and Mario BermĂşdez â€śComprehensive Review of Electric Vehicle Technology and Its Impacts: Detailed Investigation of Charging Infrastructure, Power Management, and Control Techniques.” Academic Journal

    Engineering Explained “Are Electric Cars Worse For The Environment? Myth Busted” YouTube Video

    Jack Ewing“In Norway, the Electric Vehicle Future Has Already Arrived” New York Times Article

  5. Christian Tepepa

    The importance of muscle architecture in biomechanical reconstructions of extinct animals: a case study using Tyrannosaurus rex by Karl T. Bates and Peter L. Falkingham, published by The Journal of Anatomy

    A massive t. Rex Bigger Than Scotty! E.D Cope: The New King posted to youtube by Vividien: Paleontology Evolved

    Tyrannosaurus rex vs giganotosaurus: Battle of Kings posted to youtube by Vividien: Paleontology Evolved

  6. AbdouM

    1. How Green Are Electric Vehicles? By Hiroko Tabuchi and Brad Plumer on New York Times
    2. Are Electric Cars REALLY Better for the Environment? by: Nolan Skyes on donut media YouTube channel
    3. Sticker Shock: Electric cars won’t put the brakes on climate change. Worse, their own environmental costs are buried in the fine print. By Bjorn Lomborg, published by Hoover Digest

  7. fatumata

    “Quantifying the impact of targeted regulation of abortion provider laws on US abortion rates: a multi-state assessment”. By Austin Nichole and Harper Sam; Academic Journal.

    The Daily “The Legal Vulnerability of Roe v. Wade” by Sabrina Tavernise and Adam Liptak (New York Times)

    Nurse Liz “UNBIASED Supreme Court Leak Explained: What Happens If Roe V Wade is Overturned?” YouTube Video

  8. PabloF

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