Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Seventh Post of the Semester (Stating Your Research Question)

Consult the KWL+ worksheet we completed in class, and write a blog post (at least 400 words) in which you introduce your research question.

What is important here–and I can’t stress this enough–is that you research something you want to know more about, not something you think you already know the answer to.  You may be curious to know why there are so few African American ballerinas in major companies, or you may want to know how much “housing projects” have changed in New York since James Baldwin wrote “A Talk to Teachers” in 1963, or you may want to know what we really learn from playing computer games.  Just be curious.


To complete your post:

  1. Type your research question at the top. Remember that this should not be a simple yes or no question.
  2. Address the following two questions in paragraph form:
    1. Why are you interested in this question?  (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter) 
    2. What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?) Remember that it’s okay to be wrong–-you might find a completely different answer than the one you intended to find. You won’t get marked down for that on your Unit 2 assignment!


  1. Christian Tepepa

    What was the tyrannosaurus rex like?

    As a child, growing up, I loved dinosaurs. I watched the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies, begged my parents to buy me dinosaur toys, and watched any kind of dinosaur content on YouTube. After a while, my love for dinosaurs faded away as I took up other interests. It wasn’t until recently, when I discovered a dinosaur survival game called Path of Titans, that I sparked my interest in dinosaurs again. I play on this community server that requires you to follow rules and play the dinosaurs in a semi-realistic manner. The players on this server often talk about what dinosaurs should be like, which piqued my interest in what dinosaurs were like as well. The Tyrannosaurus, especially since it’s such a controversial dinosaur in any game because it is an often overpowered playable creature, I thought I knew a lot about the tyrant lizard until I learned that there were new research developments that changed my perspective on T. rex. I wanted to know more, but Google searches can only get me so far when it comes to credible information coming straight from paleontologists and researchers. I think I might be able to find credible information using the resources from the city tech library.

    I want to learn more about T. rex in general. What could it have looked like? What did it eat? Was it a cannibal? What did it sound like? How much did it weigh? Did it really take back its throne as the largest land carnivore ever? What were their tiny arms used for? These are all questions I thought I knew the answers to, but apparently I don’t. I have some ideas as to what answers I will find, but I just want to confirm these ideas before I start running with them as facts. I might also do some research on other apex land carnivores, such as the carcharodontosaurus, spinosaurus, and giganotosaurus. All of these dinosaurs—to my knowledge—are contenders for the largest land carnivores ever, which is why I will do some additional research on them in order to see if the T. rex is the biggest or not. The T. Rex being a cannibal would be interesting because I read an article that argued that the bite marks on a Tyrannosaurus bone indicated that it was a cannibal. I also saw some recent research developments that depict T. Rex as a silent and deadly ambush hunter, which basically means that if you hear one, you’re already dead.

    • sonkerry

      I used to love dinosaurs as a kid and the idea that the T-rex was the king while other were bigger and smarter than him always seemed to fascinate me. I am glad and eager to read more.

  2. fatumata

    What is the correlation between abortion laws and abortion rates?

    The topic I have chosen to talk about is the correlation between abortion laws and abortion rates. I chose this topic because in the past few years I have seen an increased amount of media attention when it comes to the feud between pro life activists or pro choice activists. Pro life activists believe that no matter what the circumstances are when it comes to a woman conceiving a baby whether it be by force or by choice it is unethical to have an abortion because you are killing a human being. Pro choice activists believe that a woman can do whatever she wants with the pregnancy because at the end of the day it is her body. When it comes to this specific topic I know that legal abortion clinics in the U.S are already rare. So we can infer that the U.S is highly in favor of Pro-lifers because they already limit the amount of legal abortion clinics. But even with this abortion clinics are under attack with trap laws which further restrict them making it hard for these clinics to stay open. Additionally, Women of color are already oppressed in the reproductive world because not only do they come from low income households. They are the most oppressed in the medical field when it comes to childbirth. “ they are three times more likely,” than white women to die during childbirth and pregnancy. With this deadly statistic a ban on abortions could impact them more than white women.

    In this research project I hope to find out how abortion laws actually increase the amount of abortion rates. I say this because even if abortions are illegal people are still going to find a way to get them illegally which will end up causing more fatalities in the long run because people aren’t using the right procedures because they are so desperate to have it done. I also want to find out why people associate a negative stigma with abortions and why the U.S government is against it so much. I also want to know how the government was able to bend the rules and law to make abortions illegal. The abortion debate in America is very popular among political groups. Like the Democrats and the Republicans. Most republicans are against abortions while democrats lean more towards pro choice. Overall, it seems that America as a whole can’t come to a conclusion on whether or not abortion is moral. So it’s a very huge divide between the people which reflects a lot on American laws.

    • PabloF

      Your exploration of the correlation between abortion laws and abortion rates is a significant and contentious topic, the debate between pro life and pro choice activists has gained a lot of focus recently. Exploring how these laws influence abortion rates is essential to understanding the consequences of restricting access to safe and legal procedures. I’m looking forward to seeing what your research uncovers about the negative stigmas, the political differences, and the potential impact on women’s health, especially those in more challenging situations.

  3. sonkerry

    How were the pyramids created?

    Growing up I have never traveled the world in the way that I wanted to. I have always watched videos and movies about places that seemed to beautiful to be true. Watching and looking at these places I’ve always wondered why and how these places were built and made. I began doing research and found the 7 wonders of the world. The 7 wonders were the most beautiful places I have ever seen but one caught my eye. The Pyramids of Giza always made me wonder how they were created, I see all these other wonders and they were all very explainable like they were man made or natural. The Pyramids were not natural because of the precision and symmetry of the building but it could not have been built by human hands. Back then from what we know people were not technologically advanced enough to build the Pyramids. The Pyramids are super tall and very complex when being built because they align with the northern star perfectly all 3 of them. To have certain precision and complexity even us nowadays could never replicate something as beautiful and amazing as the Pyramids. That always made me wonder who built the pyramids and if it was done by human hands how was the process?

    • Adriano Franca

      Awesome topic! I’ve also been interested in how pyramids were created for a long time, I’ve heard many theories; some mention slaves, some mention “demons”, some mention aliens, but I don’t think anyone will ever find out how they were actually created.

  4. Michelle Haddad

    What are the undiscovered aspects that make up space?      

    As a child I was always fascinated with rocket ships and space. I always had questions like how did they become planets and why are planets so far away from each other. Now we can have some understanding of why some of these things happen in space but not every question is answered. I find it very interesting that we know very little of space and we don’t know if there are any living beings besides us there. There are so many universes, galaxies, blackholes and more. It’s always had me wondering for a couple of years and other people as well. There have been a lot of conspiracies on what goes on up there and also always found that interesting. 

    It is a very good mystery on why there are certain things up in space and not here on Earth, how they were made up and where did they come from. I hope to find out lots of things in this research. Like blackholes. Why do and how do they form? Or asteroids where do they come from?? How is it certain that there is nothing living on other planets? How do we know that there are multiple suns and moons if we’ve never actually seen it? These are all questions I hope to find out or to see if they are answered or not.

    • PabloF

       It’s amazing how little we know about space, and the idea of other life forms and the mysteries of black holes and asteroids fascinate me. I hope your research uncovers answers to these questions, like how black holes form, where asteroids come from, and whether there might be other living beings out there.

  5. GeorgeR

    What are the causes of social media addiction?

     Throughout the years, social media has been a part of many people’s lives, including mine. I believe that social media is a great thing because it helps us connect with people and promotes creativity and new ideas. But on the other hand, too much of a good thing can become detrimental to a person’s health. I have never been severely addicted to social media, but when I am on my phone scrolling through social media, I catch myself spending way too much time on these apps without gaining much aside from being entertained. During these times, I tend to delete the apps right away because I know that it stops me from getting distracted when I am trying to get something done. I also notice that social media can be as addictive as doing drugs or gambling. In a sense, all these markets need a way to make a profit. Aside from money from ads, social media only succeeds when it keeps a vast number of users engaged, young and old. So there has to be some hidden strategies these companies use to purposely keep us engaged. But is this the company’s fault, or is it our own responsibility to combat addiction?

    During the research process, I want to find out how companies engineer their apps to make them more and more addictive for different ages. and how people find solutions in their personal lives to combat social media addiction. I also want to find out how addiction can lead to other health problems, such as productivity and sleep disorders. Furthermore, I want to see how social media draws in kids since they are more susceptible to the company’s manipulation tactics. I am also wondering if companies should take more responsibility for advertising the cons of social media and the similarities it has to doing drugs and gambling. Overall, I feel that the general consensus on social media is that it is addictive and we should spread more awareness of the truth, and then it will be up to the people to decide if we want companies to change that by first discussing the issues and ethics of social media addiction. This can also develop into laws that will change the manipulative methods companies use to keep us engaged, help people get away from being addicted, and prevent future addictions.

    • howard chan

      Social media is addicting today, so I am also entirely invested in how companies induce people to get attached to social media.

  6. Taylon Charles

    Why can’t players use cannabis?

    I’m interested in this question because I want to know why players aren’t allowed to use cannabis. In my life I’ve seen athletes use cannabis never at a professional level but regardless of the fact it never affected how they played in their sport so why is it not allowed. Also, I want to know the opinions the athletes have on them not being able to use cannabis, I always wondered how athletes can drink alcohol or wine without it being any problems but when it comes to cannabis there end up being a problem. While doing research I expect to find the reason it’s not allowed and what the consequences are for using cannabis. I want to find out the player’s opinion on the rule and the difference between athletes using cannabis and athletes drinking alcohol. 

    • fatumata

      I think this is a good topic to talk about and would like to see what you were able to find. In which I can agree with you on the part where you said you wonder how it is ok for athletes to consume alcohol or wine but not ok to be able to use cannabis. I feel as though you can expand more on asking questions and focus more on your personal experience to the topic.

  7. Adriano Franca

    How, why and when did Palestine vs. Israel start? Who’s right? Who’s wrong? 


    The topic I chose to talk about is Palestine vs. Israel. I want to explore how this conflict started, when and why. I must be very careful when talking about this matter as there seems to be various opinions on it and people might get offended by what I’m going to write. Therefore, I must make sure my statements are as unbiased as possible and use as unbiased sources as possible too. I chose this topic because I feel like it’s important for people to understand the background of a war before picking sides. The more you understand the variables in a conflict, the more you’re able to understand your own government by analyzing how it reacts to that conflict.  


    Now, going more into the topic itself, before actually doing research on it, I encountered many people on social media (specifically twitter) taking both sides. The people taking the Palestinian side argue that Israel has been oppressing Palestine for a long while (something the media hasn’t been showing), and that what Palestine is doing right now is simply a form of resistance against that oppression. The people taking the Israeli side claim that the Hamas group are just terrorists trying to impose Islam onto Israelis. The media on the other hand, mostly portray Palestinians as terrorists, maybe because the owners of these companies are Jewish? 


    Going deep into the facts, I learned that this conflict started back in 1948 due to the United Nations (an intergovernmental organization whose purpose is to maintain global peace) creating Resolution 181 also known as the Partition Plan in 1947; which divided the British Mandate of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. The first ever war, Israelis came out as winners and the territory was divided into 3 parts: the State of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. Since then, Israel has been attacking these regions to try to gain territorial control and has been succeeding. Over the years, Palestine has been counterattacking in order to make Israel back out of the territory they “conquered”. In 2006, The Hamas group (considered a terrorist group by many countries in Europe and the U.S) won the Palestinian Authority’s parliamentary elections, giving Hamas control over the Gaza Strip and since then, the Hamas has been attacking Israel in many ways in response to what Israel has been doing since 1948. Now, the question that remains is: Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Are both countries wrong? Are both countries, right? It is really hard to take a side when innocent people are dying in both parties. 

    • Christian Tepepa

      This is a very interesting topic. I feel like you can explain what you learned less and ask more questions. While also being unbiased you can probably look into both sides while also standing in the middle ground. By collecting objective facts you can stay in the unbiased zone while also learning about both sides. By learning both perspectives you may learn about the different viewpoints and why people choose their sides, this can not only help you come to your own conclusion but help those who read your bibliography come to their own conclusions. 

  8. messiahf4

             Are communities better off with or without combat practices and practitioners? 

         Combat practice can range anywhere from hand to hand combat all the way up to military grade training and firing ammunition. In the case of communities, the combat practices that are participated in by people are most commonly the disciplines that fall under the branch of martial arts and depending on the area, the handling firearms and ammunition. I have always watched and admired martial arts since I was a kid, though practicing wasn’t on the agenda. My favorites to watch have been muay Thai, sambo, and taekwondo. Practice of martial arts is very common in communities around the globe, and I want to know more about it. When it comes to firearms, I am not really a fan, but I do recognize its significance to people in this country and how common firing practices are. The Second Amendment and handling of guns is glorified by many people, and it is apparent on social media and at the gun ranges. It’s become a hyperactive movement with motives that become unclear at times; I am interested to know what’s the deal with these people. But I’ve always wondered how these practices pertain to life outside of competition and practice; how do these people operate in regular society? What do communities think of these practices and competitions taking place? What kind of transition do people make after becoming martial arts or gun handlers? How do their moral compasses and tendencies change? Are these people accepted or shunned in their communities? Do they benefit communities in any way? How do they hurt communities? I want to know what these people wish to accomplish vs what society thinks the purpose of it is. 

         In my research, I expect to find many reviews and critiques of these practices from journalists and people from the outside looking in. I expect to read about the lives of people who look to combat practices for motivation or solace. I expect to hear arguments and opposing sides discuss the validity of these practices. The main thing I am hoping to find is personal accounts and experiences firsthand with these practices; the good and bad. Professional experience will also be key in my opinion to my bibliography; hearing from people whose lives revolve around these practices will be a great addition. The majority of media coverage I believe will be negative because combat practices like martial arts and firearm training were not publicly shown or supported in media or in society until the end of the 20th century. An example would be MMA; it was not televised until 1993 and it was a concept that has been around since 648 B.C.E (before the common era). I am intrigued to see the possible conclusion or questions I gain out of this research.

    • Bjorni Hasan

      Your concept is both intriguing and interesting. Your research into motivations, transformations, and perceptions provides a fresh perspective to the study. I really like the focus on personal experiences that you are adding to the project, making it even more engaging. I feel that this study has the potential to put the spotlight on a topic that takes place in ages as well as modern views in society, making it really exciting. I can’t wait to see what discoveries you make in your research. And as an MMA fan, I’m excited to see what insights you find in your research. 

  9. PabloF

     How do different parenting styles impact a child’s development?

    I’m interested in this topic because I always wanted to know if my views on life would be different if my family had treated me a different way. Would I still have the same habits and behaviors like I do now? It has been an ongoing question inside my head. When I was younger my mom would always lay down strict rules on both me and my brother, she would always tell us to not do certain things unless we wanted to see the consequences and she would always restrict our freedom and make herself feel like she had all the power in the house. Everytime I would do something she didn’t like she would explode on me and I would always walk to my room upset and disappointed by the way she treated me and think about how different it would be if she was an understanding parent, maybe me and her would get along and instead of her being just my mother she can also be my friend so that I can feel comfortable enough to tell her my day without feeling judged.

    I hope to find research on how different parenting skills can impact kids. I say this because everybody has different experiences in life if certain parents are doing the same teachings to their kids will they all turn the same and will those children that were treated fairly have a different life experience than people who are treated poorly by their parents? I know that parents that tend to treat their kids very poorly and abuse them emotionally and physically and would neglect their child the child would most likely end up with mental issues and possibly become a serial killer or anything of that nature. I also think that choosing between treating your kids fairly and being strict in your parenting approach could be a common dilemma for many parents. On one hand, fairness implies giving equal opportunities and attention to each child, which can foster a sense of responsibility and empathy. When children feel they are treated fairly, they may be more likely to develop a caring attitude towards others and appreciate their parents for their even-handedness. On the other hand, a strict parenting style, characterized by strict rules and expectations, can instill discipline and structure in a child’s life. This might, lead to children having more respect for their parents and authority figures. The boundaries set by strict parenting can teach children the importance of rules and compliance.

    • Christian Tepepa

      I think you can rephrase your question into “what psychological effects do parents have on their children?” It can lead to more specific results if the original question doesn’t give you the results you’re looking for while researching the topic. If you plan on using this response as a rough draft for your bibliography you might want to change up the second paragraph. Instead of explaining how different approaches to parenting may affect kids you can ask more questions on your topic. An example can be like, “Does the way parents treat their children affect the child’s future approach as a parent?” I think it’s an interesting topic that dives into psychology.

  10. Taghmar Thorpe

    How far is the end of the universe?/What’s beyond the edge of the universe?

    The universe is really interesting to me due to its boundless mysteries and complexity so trying to figure out if there is an end is catching my attention. Its vast expanse, containing billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars and countless planets, offers a lot to the imagination and gives us reason for exploration. From the difficulty in interpreting and understanding the nature of dark matter and dark energy that dominate the universe’s composition to the birth and death of stars, the formation of galaxies, and the potential for extraterrestrial life, the universe presents an ongoing cosmic drama that captures the human imagination. Its profound mysteries, like the origins of the universe itself in the Big Bang, continue to challenge our understanding of the very fabric of reality. As we venture further into the cosmos, we uncover new wonders and deepen our appreciation for the grandeur of the universe, making it an unceasing source of inspiration and intrigue. But that one question is left unanswered is there an end to it all?

    I expect to find out what the limits of human exploration is and how far we could possibly see into space and what we use to find these things or come out knowing if there is only infinity to everything. Also if there is an edge to everything what is needed to reach that point. I expect to find this because a lot of people do research on this topic and are really into it making it interesting to me and a lot of credible sources out there.

    • Bjorni Hasan

      Your investigation into the limits of the universe is captivating. The universe’s vast mysteries and cosmic wonders continue to captivate our minds. From the mysteries of black holes and dark energy to the Big Bang’s origins, it’s a field ready for exploration and inspiration.

    • howard chan

      I am interested in your topic, especially since there is no definite answer to your questions.

  11. Bjorni Hasan

    Is There a Spark in the Transition to Electric Vehicles?

    My interest in this transition and technology change of vehicles comes from an ongoing interest in automobiles. Since I was a young boy, I remember spending hours playing with car toys, competing in races with friends, and even disassembling and reassembling them out of sheer curiosity. This interest in cars caused me to go after a degree in Mechanical Engineering, increasing my connection to the subject. This ongoing transition to electric cars is a significant moment in the automotive industry, making it one of the most important events in recent years. The evolution of electric vehicles has gained huge attention and excitement, driving my interest even further. As a Mechanical Engineering student, I find myself at the intersection of innovation, technology, and sustainable transportation. The amazing advancements being made by both new and established companies in the electric vehicle space have me captivated and interested to learn more about this field.

    I aim to clarify the hype and praise that these companies are receiving. Beyond the attraction, I want to understand the technology behind electric vehicles and how it can be used to offer change in the automotive industry.Furthermore, I aim to find out the impact on the environment of electric vehicles. These vehicles have been described as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline-powered counterparts. I’m curious to learn how electric vehicles help to combat climate change and how they affect the natural world. The quick adaptation of laws and regulations by governments and countries is an especially fascinating aspect of this transition. Many countries have begun implementing new legislation, including the gradual withdrawal of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. My research will try to break down these legal changes and understand what they mean for consumers, manufacturers, and the overall automotive market. In conclusion, my research into this transition to electric vehicles is motivated by a mix of personal passion, academic interests, and sincere interest in technological advancements, impact on the environment, and changes in regulation linked to electric vehicles. 

    • fatumata

      I like how you explained why you was interested in automobiles and how it resulted in you majoring in Mechanical Engineering. In which I too would like to know how electric vehicles would help climate change since climate change around this period is getting extremely bad.

  12. Howard Chan

    How will Artificial Intelligence change the world?

    The topic of artificial intelligence, or AI, has gained a lot of notoriety in the past year or so, and this is why I chose to write about it. This topic has intrigued me because AI has raised many controversial questions, such as “Is the use of AI ethical?” and “Will AI replace my career?”. These questions have sparked debates online about the good and evil of AI. From my experience, AI can be a good thing if used correctly. For example, AIs like ChatGPT have taken the internet by storm with their intellectual responses, mimicking humans. However, like with anything good, it comes with its flaws. For instance, these responses are prone to plagiarization since they come from an extensive online database with a wide range of published sources. Although this is a flaw, it pales in comparison to the more significant crimes committed using AI. These past few months, I have seen how AI’s advancement has changed how people commit cyber crimes. What used to be an inefficient phishing scam has evolved into the most advanced scam, even convincing the most suspecting individuals. These scams usually involve an AI model mimicking an individual’s voice and calling a loved one, pretending to need help, and requesting money from them. However, this call is not genuine, and the individual asking for money is the scammer trying to take advantage of the victim’s loved one using AI-generated voices.

    I expect to find more pros and cons of AI and how it will evolve even more to fit into society. As technology advances, it is challenging to imagine what life would be like without it. So, I look forward to researching how AI will make life easier and how it will negatively impact others. I would also like to see the steps towards resolving issues with AI. In conclusion, I’m excited to delve deeper into the world of AI and investigate its impact on our lives. I hope to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about AI by shedding light on its benefits and challenges and suggesting ways to address them.

    • Nicholas Buxo

      I think this is a very interesting topic. In the past year, AI has definitely become the center of attention with the introduction of ChatGPT. Is it good? Is it bad? Can it be considered a reliable source. I feel there is a lot of information that can be found since this is such a broad topic. I also liked how you brought up the topic of cyber crimes. I had no idea AI could used like that.

    • Adriano Franca

      I really like your topic and it has been one of the most discussed topics in the world in the past few years. Many are afraid that AIs might steal human’s jobs as they can’t get tired and most of the times are a lot more efficient than humans. One thing I’d advise you to explore is how we interact with AIs algorithms in our everyday lives. AI is everywhere, including in cars, GPS’s, social media, ads, etc. AI is a lot more than ChatGPT. Who knows how far AIs can go?

    • sonkerry

      I believe that your topic is more relevant to today and what we are experiencing now. Ai has become such a huge part of the world. Whether its a good thing or a bad thing depends on how you use it. I like the topic of cyber crimes because most people don’t realize what Ai is really capable of in certain hands.

  13. Brianna Brown

    What effect does Marijuana have on young adults?

    Anywhere in New York, especially Brooklyn, you’ll see a new little smoke shop opening up somewhere on the block since cannabis has been legalized in the state. And even though the age limit is 21+ to purchase or even go in the store, teens are seen smoking even kids. Let it be known that I’m not against anybody smoking, it’s your life and choice. But I just want to know the impact it could have on someone’s health, mentally and physically. Since I’m a young adult myself, this topic interests me because I want to know more about what’s affecting my generation. I’ve always had people around me smoke and do drugs. Everyone always says “marjiuana is bad” but people don’t seem to be in a bad state. And whenever smoking is mentioned, the first thing to come to mind is unhealthy lungs. But that’s always the initial reaction, what I want to know is are there any good associations with smoking. This is a topic I feel would always be relevant no matter what year or events we go through. With the information I learn, I could educate my peers around me whether the effects are beneficial or detrimental. 

    In my research, I expect to find credible studies on how marjiuana impacts teens. What causes someone to want to smoke marjiuana, the influences. How does this affect the people around them? How can we lessen the number of teens that smoke, and aid on what’s encouraging the marjiuana? I want to know more about what’s in the plant and why people get addicted to the feeling or drug itself? What are the pros and cons of marjiuana? Does it make any difference if people use the drug in other ways than smoking it? How does it stimulate the brain when taken? Why did the state decide to legalize it? I want to be more educated on the subject, especially since I’ll be working in healthcare. I think that some drugs may actually be beneficial, just not in the way these street pharmacists prescribe them.

    • GeorgeR

      I find your topic to be very intriguing and relatable because, despite not living in Brooklyn, Here In Queens I have seen a significant number of smoke shops pop up in my neighborhood as a result of relatively recent laws that made it legal to sell marijuana if it was not being used medicinally. I think you’ll have no trouble finding articles and other media to look at while we are in the research phase. I’m curious as to why the government decided to legalize marijuana- is it truly not as harmful as I believed it to be?

  14. jaelen brown

    Do prisons help inmates like they claim they do?

    correctional facilities are put into place as a punishment for those who break the law, the offer the chance for an inmate to rehabilitate themselves to then later be released back into the world. This process isn’t as straightforward as it may seem though. Oftentimes the justice system fails these inmates and give them unfair sententences that dont fit the crime committed. These unfair extended prison can brew hate in these inmates hearts and that in turn makes the whole idea of rehabilitation redundant. How can you focus on bettering yourself when you were wronged? Take the central park 5 for example, They were wrongfully accused of a crime and between them served 6-13 years each. Ages 14-16, still children. They spent almost as much time in prison as they did out in the world so by the time they were released it was hard to acclimate back into society.

    Thankfully everything ended up working out for them but the same can’t be said for others in that same situation. There are people that since they’ve been in and out of jails since they were children they feel more at home while incarcerated in a sense. To them they are more comfortable with being behind bars and living that way. Being out in society makes them feel uneasy, These are people that probably couldve accomplished more if they were never introduced to prison in the first place.

  15. Abdullaah Abuzaid

    Why are dealerships increasing prices more than the actual MSRP of the cars?

    So it got my interest to ask this question since what I have been looking at lately are cars and everything about cars either mechanical stuff or dynamics but then I looked up at the outer side where I found that it was not looking good for the average customer in the US that buying a car isn’t easy as you would think it is because for an average customer and not a high-end customer then you should look for a cheap or average option so your first option would be the used cars market and fine you give a look at it but then it hits you that, in fact, it’s used and you are not sure 100 percent that it will be working with you just fine for the next at least couple of years (that being said for the 2010s cars or older) or you might be lucky that you get it off a grandma or grandpa using so that they barely used it and that would be so lucky of you to get to that, and it barely happens to fall in a perfect deal like that so yu might just kill your worries and head to the dealerships where let’s say you go grab a honda it’s a good average and a budget-friendly car but then you find the dealership is overcharging you than the MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price). So here is the question, Why would they do that?

    So what I am trying to get out of this research is why do they do to the consumers of the product they are trying to sell I get it that at some point you are called a dealer so what you do is make deals so you want to get out with some profit and I understand that but also doing crazy prices over like average regular profiting and let’s come to the fact that you are not selling bread or grocery but selling something that takes years to be invented and some other years to come to life and combined of many materials so it’s not easy to sell by the end.

    I want to get 100 percent authentic information about this topic especially digital information that can be compared throughout the years so I can analyze the data and look in it for a good answer instead of thinking they scamming customers maybe they got a different reason to overcharge the prices.

    • GeorgeR

      This is a very interesting topic because of how most people have always thought about purchasing a car. You appear to know a lot about vehicles, but I think you should elaborate more on why and how you gained that interest for cars. I agree that the MSRP of things, and especially cars, is rising every year. But I wonder how these automobiles have gained value over the and the specific model of the car too.

  16. Nathan Choy

    Why do coaches and staff worry about wins more than the athlete’s mental health?

    I became interested in this topic mainly because I personally experienced it and I’m wondering why I’m one of those many athletes. Looking back throughout my time playing basketball for my High school team I was pretty much obsessed with the sport, it took away my social time because I’ll just use that time trying to get better or in the gym and it made me develop some unhealthy habits. So I would like to know why athletes who are committed to a sport do not prioritize their mental health. Are we just too busy trying to achieve our goals or are we too distracted? What problem are we facing and how can we fix it? I’m also curious on this topic because I know that injuries can also put athletes in a dark place and usually they have know one in their corner to support them, not the coaches, not the staff, not friends, family or loved ones. I just wish us athletes wouldn’t have to go through and experience such hardship all by ourselves, no helping hand or anything.Another major thing I would love to know is how do staff members and family expect players to take on the stress of transitioning to college to play at a higher level. Do coaches even try to prepare student athletes for this process or are they just focused on winning games?   

    What I expect to find is why coaches will concern themselves with their team’s standing more than the athlete’s mental and physical health, and why I ecpect find this is because this is a major problem in the coaching area and it affects player negatively.Why not try to prepare them more for the next level instead of just trying to get wins. Hopefully there can be podcasts, documentaries or even articles related to what I seek, because as an athlete myself I’ve experienced this and I’m absolutely disgusted with this way of thinking. 

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