Before we meet in class, be sure to complete the following:

  1. Review this handout on reading difficult texts.
  2. ACTIVELY READ the article “Later.” As you read, think about the following and be prepared to both discuss AND write about it in class:
    • Reflect upon the article. This was not exactly an easy read. What, particularly, did you find confusing, irritating, boring or otherwise difficult? How did you overcome this?
    • What was something surprising that you learned in the article? Did it transform your understanding of procrastination in any particular way?
  3. Again, be sure you have actively read the article “Later.” Be prepared to share your insights in class. You may be called upon, and you WILL be required to do some in-class writing that you will turn in.
  4. Continue revising your Unit 1 Education Narrative. Be sure to format your document according to proper MLA formatting guidelines. See sample MLA document here. Remember that the final draft of your paper will be due on Wednesday, October 4th.