Professor Lara Antal | COMD1123, D038 | Fall 2023

Category: Midterm

8th Week | OCT 19

BRING TO CLASS: Midterm Portfolio, Midterm Sketchbook, Sketchbook Assignment 7

Today we are taking our in-class midterm!

Students must complete the written and drawn portions to receive a grade.

We will also be handing in our midterm portfolios & midterm sketchbooks.

Class ends early after completing in-class work.


Nothing, enjoy!



Your Midterm consists of a Written and a Drawn Portion. 

The Written Portion we reviewed during class. 

The Drawn Portion is one still-life drawing, drawn to the best of your ability.

Mid-Term Sketchbook:

Be sure you have completed all previous weeks’ sketchbook prompts and feel free to include additional sketches.

Mid-Term Portfolio:

This is a curated portfolio of 5-7 DRAWINGS of your best work. This can be homework assignments or in-class drawings.

Take this as an opportunity to improve drawings. Go with quality over quantity. Be sure the work looks neat – presentation counts!

The work MUST be bundled together, either in a portfolio ( like this option) or an envelope.  Be sure your name is on your portfolio.

I will NOT accept LOOSE PAPERS.

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