Class assignment 10/10/18

Jameel Thomas
David Valderrabano

Social Issue: Deferred Action for Childhood Action DACA

1) Why is this a Social issue
This is a social issue because it was a guarantee thing under the Obama administration and now that the Obama administration is gone and the trump administration is in they are trying to take away the rights that were already given to the Dreamers.

2) Who does this impacts
This issue impacts families of the person being deported. It impacts the economy of the United States and the country that the dreamer is from. It also impacts both countries workforce

3) Keywords used in the search of the Articles
We search for “DACA” and “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”

Sudhinaraset, et al. “The Influence of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on Undocumented Asian and Pacific Islander Young Adults: Through a Social Determinants of Health Lens.” Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 60, no. 6, 2017, pp. 741–746.

In this article we look at how deferred action for childhood arrivals had impacted undocumented Asians and Pacific Islander children. This is basically a research because they are documenting how they put 32 individuals up for DACA and it also shows how DACA can protect the individual from deportation

Weinstein, Debra F., and Fidencio Saldana. “DACA and the Dream of Becoming a Physician.” The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 377, no. 20, 2017, pp. 1913–1915.

In this article it discerned how the Trump administration stopped the DACA program for people who are trying to become physicians and medical professionals. In also look at congress and whether congress would be able to help the students who have lost their educations.

1 thought on “Class assignment 10/10/18

  1. Nora Almeida

    This is an important social issue and you do a good job determining some of the related sub topic. I’m wondering which database you searched in since both of the source you found were related to health science and DACA. The relevance of the results you find depends on your search strategy but also, where you look!


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