Social Issue: Hazel and Lew (Final Edit)

We choose gentrification in Williamsburg, Brooklyn as our social issue. Willaimsburg was not the most desirable neighborhood since it used to be an industrial area thus attracting people who were looking for afford rent would. As the neighborhood started to become “renewed” and the  L train under construction, the neighborhood began to change. The new ferry has created an easier way to travel between Manhattan and Brooklyn, since the L train will be under major construction it provided relief and opportunity for people seeking an up and coming neighborhood. Change is great for the neighborhood and it will provide a better environment for the next generation to grow up, but there is a sense of community is removed.

Works Cited

Curran, Winifred1. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/00420980701373438. Accessed 10 Oct. 2018.

We chose this as our source it highlighted how “urban renewal” has affected Williamsburg specifically. It gave examples of people who went through the rough years are now forced to move because they can no longer afford rent.

Leland, John. “In Williamsburg, Rocked Hard.” New York Times, 28 May 2011,

In this news article, it was a perspective of the person who lives in Williamsburg and the emotional statement of the sense of community is removed since neighbors are leaving. The new people coming in are taking over the neighborhood by storm of changing the shops and public spaces.

1 thought on “Social Issue: Hazel and Lew (Final Edit)

  1. Nora Almeida

    Great topic. Good sources but there’s a lot of info missing from your first citation. There’s a difference between gentrification and urban renewal, which designates a specific time period (1950-1960) and the creation of new public housing projects after world war II. Watch for typos and grammar.


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