Jordan Moss’s work

Jordan Moss is currently an undergraduate student at Pratt Institute. I found his work through the Pratt website under student portfolios. I found his work to be quite interesting because from what I saw online it has a lot to do with self expression and emotion. The titles of his work are things like “Sigh”, “April” ,  and “Amnesia” just to name a few. With names like those for artwork you would think that the work would have a lot of dark colors, vulgar imagery or just be simple. Moss’s work does not do that at all instead he takes a turn by using bright colors and abstract figures and images in his work making feel more like pop art. This is why I liked Moss’s work because of the pop art inspiration that Moss took and had it with a possible deeper and darker meaning. Moss’s is very diverse and unusual in a good way because he took that turn with something visually appealing with a darker undertone.