HW 1: Honda FCX Clarity

The Honda FCX Clarity, being a electric vehicle, has no need for gas thus making it green and better for the environment. My campaign would show this feature and compare it to the traditional car and the effects it has on the environment. The ad would be split in half with the left side showing a traditional car dull looking car releasing black noxious looking gas into the air against post-apocalyptic looking background. On the right side the Honda FCX Clarity would be shown in an open grass area being charged in a vibrant meadow under a tree. The goal and feel of the photography I would be going for would be dynamic and have a high contrast in relationship to the background so the product would really pop. Much like the cars in Tim Wallace’s photography.

I selected Tim Wallace to be the photographer for this campaign because of the way he is able to make the product pop even when it is placed in scenery. I love the oblique angles he uses as well as the different types of lighting and multiple light sources, as shown in the diagram on his site, to highlight the car. I also like the use of perspective in a majority of the shots. This give a great sense of motion and allows to car to seem as if its driving out of the photo and toward you. Tim Wallace’s eye for detail would also be a great asset in emphasizing the Honda FCX Clarity in the ad. I admit I was tied between Tim Wallace and Don Dixon. Both portrayed the kind of contrast I imagined for the FCX shot but I felt that Wallace’s lighting and detail work won me over compared to the other two photographers.


– Oscar Diaz

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One Response to HW 1: Honda FCX Clarity

  1. rmichals says:

    Well reasoned argument. Tim Wallace’s lighting is impeccable. Don Dixon might do a better job of creating the post-apocalyptic look for the gasoline only car but your description of Wallace’s style convinces me he is the one for the Honda.

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