Homework 1 Honda FCX Clarity

The Honda FCX Clarity is an environmentally friend vehicle that gets you where need to be. This is one of the those types of vehicles that stores hydrogen in a tank and converts into electricity. Compared, to other cars like the Nissan Leaf it takes time to charge up but, for this car it only takes a few minutes. As well it’s safe and has enough space for a family of 5. The car is made up of reinforced unit body structure and features vehicle stability assistance and braking system to avoid collision with other cars on the road. It’s time for the consumers to start making smart purchases especially in the cars they buy.

The goal of the project is to have flowers and leaves coming around the car as if its building structures of the car. Kind of the way in Don Dixon’s conceptual photo with the acrobats gather inside the ford taurus. But, instead of having acrobats it will be leaves and flowers. The leaves and the flowers would be building up the car and coming out the windows, engine, wheels and the headlights to symbolize that its nature friendly.

The photographer Don Dixon would be best suited for the job because he has many car photos not only that but also his automotive photos all have some sort of directional diffused light. Which creates an elegant classy and serious look to the photos. The automotive photos he has characterizes high contrast some of his photos seem mellow, classy, happy, exotic and some are very dramatic. This kind of contrast that looks good for the Honda FCX Clarity because you want to share these characteristics of the car with the consumer. The other thing Dixon does well is he uses shallow depth of field. Which gives us a feel that the car is much more important than anything else but, the car. The details of the automobiles in his portfolio the texture is detailed that it’s completely emphasized.

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One Response to Homework 1 Honda FCX Clarity

  1. rmichals says:

    You start with an excellent concept. The idea of having a car made of flowers and leaves communicates the idea of eco-friendly in a fun way. Not a lecture. Since the image is conceptual, Don Dixon is the right choice.

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