Author: akeem

What I’ve Learned at My Internship

Although I have completed my internship, and have barely scraped the surface of my career as a graphic designer, I already feel as if I have learned more than I imagined. In school, you are limited to learning the basic tools that prepare you to succeed. However, you are not exposed to real life situations.

Being able to work with and learn from professional designers and project managers has been an experience I have not received in school. This internship has been, and continues to be, what I would have hoped for and more. It was extremely important to me that I get an “in job” experience before I graduated so that I could learn as much as I possibly could before starting my career.

Going into this internship, I wanted to be like a sponge. I wanted to listen, learn and soak up every possible piece of information thrown my way, from design to production, to learning about digital printing press. I have not been treated as a mere intern. In the first week, I was tested to get outside of my own personal design comfort, which was a little tricky because in school we are given free range as far as design elements go. I had not worked within a predetermined color scheme and type family.

Challenging myself  in that aspect  has made me grow so much. As the weeks progressed, I have been introduced into a variety of projects. I am thrilled to use the knowledge I’ve gained here at Prestone Press.

Internship Experience

During my intern experience at Prestone Press , I was fortunate enough to have experienced firsthand and learned, many different sides of what goes into a project, the general process of how a project is initially planned, developed and completed; as well as how much work and detail goes into every stage. Reflecting back to my first day, it was one of the most memorable days of my time at the company.

I was nervous but yet excited After being introduced to everyone, I was ask my option on a big job that production was to work on, in which they had asked me for recommendations to improve certain aspects of the project wherever I see fit, as well as my opinions on the project as an entirety. I was at first reluctant to share, I didn’t know if I was worthy enough. After working months with the company I have gained to confidence to excel in this filed.

There were many days that were busy where a deadline had to met or a client might need something completed urgently, and these days were stressful. Overall, my internship experience was positive. I was very happy with the amount of things that I have learned and experienced in the short of amount of time interning.

Kings College Envelope

Kings College Direct Mail 

Front of Envelope

Back of Envelope

Envelope with postage

RENA Neopost Printer

Sheets that were use to color correct the printer

Another envelope design i printed using the RENA Neopost printer.  as i was printing the envelope the color was not coming out correctly. i then had to run a paper through a few printer a few times to correct the color. After printing the envelopes i then had to put each postage stamp on the envelope so the postal service can delivery each envelope on the Kings College contact list provided.


Color Correction

Color correcting file With Senior Designer



On this day I was able to work side by side with one of the senior designers, the job that we were working on needed to color corrected to match the product samples. In addition to being responsible for Retouch / Color Corrector as we prepare photos / images for catalog and web. We worked on retouching and color correcting images in Photoshop for use in product, packaging, collateral materials, and Web.

Printed Envelope Design

Rena Neosoft Printing Envelopes 

Mcolor Software

Printer tray

Back of Printed Envelope

Front of Printed Envelope


I had the responsibility of working with a printing machine . This week while interning I have the opportunity to work on a printing machine. Rena Neosoft , a table top printer . I’ve printed envelope designs for Riverside Church. Using a tabletop inkjet printer used for professional mailing. I’ve learned how to use a software name mColor.

Mcolor is a color management software use with printer. The client sent over a pdf file including all images for the envelope. I then had to match the color of the files to the printer using mcolor software. Using this printer you have to adjust the color to match the pdf, adjusting the color lighter or darker, redder, less red, more blue, etc. In addition to matching the colors, you have to match the desired position of the file the client request on the envelope.

It is very important that this is done right, the united state postal service have strict guidelines pertaining to postage. If the positioning isn’t right on the

Intership Learning

I learned not just about graphic design skills, but also how accounts are managed and how designers and production  work together to deliver passionate work for clients. Seeing how to communicate with clients in a professional way isn’t something you can learn in school, either. It was eye-opening to see how a the process of creating something , correcting, speaking with clients to understand their vision to the final product being printed.

Direct Mail

Spread sheet of Cole Hann contact list Promotional for Direct Mail Printing

United States Postal Service Direct Mail Permit Application

The final printed Piece of Cole Hann Direct Mail list I’ve worked on

I was given the task to open up a direct mail account at the united states postal service for Cole Hann. Direct mail is unsolicited advertising sent to prospective customers through the mail. its very import as it can drive potential customers to your business. The mailing process was very easy, theres an application that the business has to fill out as show above to set up a direct mail account at the post office.once the account is set up your given a permit number which is used to add funds to the account  After the account is open you able to send direct mail pieces to large amount people  as long as you have the an available balance in you account for post. When setting up the files in excel is very important that all the fields match with the corresponding names and address , if a mistake can mess up a list with thousands of people ( i learned the hard way) that will have your sorting through the list to fix the problem.


Client Press Check

I was really hoping i would be designing the piece, however the client sent over a file that was already design, it was my job to match the colors to the pantone matching system book that Prestone Press has. After that I was sent to a clients office in the city to deliver proofs , as the client open the proofs , I waited for about 5 minutes for the client to make all needed corrections before printing the final piece. The client mad several notes on the proof , where the fold is , to move the fold over 1/8th of an inch and other notes for my supervisors to look over.

Inside of Prestone Press 

 HP Digital Press



    Production Office

Employer working in the Bindery


I have held an internship at Prestone Press since June of 2018, my experience here has been great thus far, the atmosphere is very laid back, employees there are very kind and helpful with any questions I’ve needed. Not only do I get to see the creative side of things here at Prestone Press I also get to see the large printing press that jobs being run on for the clients.

  • There are several departments within the company that i have the opportunity to work with and learn from .  the department i work with closely department the production however there are bindery, Y format room,