Although I have completed my internship, and have barely scraped the surface of my career as a graphic designer, I already feel as if I have learned more than I imagined. In school, you are limited to learning the basic tools that prepare you to succeed. However, you are not exposed to real life situations.

Being able to work with and learn from professional designers and project managers has been an experience I have not received in school. This internship has been, and continues to be, what I would have hoped for and more. It was extremely important to me that I get an “in job” experience before I graduated so that I could learn as much as I possibly could before starting my career.

Going into this internship, I wanted to be like a sponge. I wanted to listen, learn and soak up every possible piece of information thrown my way, from design to production, to learning about digital printing press. I have not been treated as a mere intern. In the first week, I was tested to get outside of my own personal design comfort, which was a little tricky because in school we are given free range as far as design elements go. I had not worked within a predetermined color scheme and type family.

Challenging myself  in that aspect  has made me grow so much. As the weeks progressed, I have been introduced into a variety of projects. I am thrilled to use the knowledge I’ve gained here at Prestone Press.