Spread sheet of Cole Hann contact list Promotional for Direct Mail Printing

United States Postal Service Direct Mail Permit Application

The final printed Piece of Cole Hann Direct Mail list I’ve worked on

I was given the task to open up a direct mail account at the united states postal service for Cole Hann. Direct mail is unsolicited advertising sent to prospective customers through the mail. its very import as it can drive potential customers to your business. The mailing process was very easy, theres an application that the business has to fill out as show above to set up a direct mail account at the post office.once the account is set up your given a permit number which is used to add funds to the account  After the account is open you able to send direct mail pieces to large amount people  as long as you have the an available balance in you account for post. When setting up the files in excel is very important that all the fields match with the corresponding names and address , if a mistake can mess up a list with thousands of people ( i learned the hard way) that will have your sorting through the list to fix the problem.