Jax Media 4/8/16

930-530 (8hrs)

So far today i have been working on my piece today, i scored it and added some sound effects. Such as crickets, and sounds of a car driving by. From freesounds.org It’s hard trying to find the perfect sound effect but it’s all about what you personally think will work in the scene or scenes.

One of the assistant editors julian is not hear today. I’m guessing he is sick. So i have to and kind of want to wait till next week (monday) to show him and joe my piece because he helped me out when i had questions in avid and i want him to see it as well. This piece is just practice for me, practice is good because you learn more if you practice. And like they say practice makes perfect.

Now we must watch down a finished episode and take note of any issue, then i am done for the day.

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