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Response to “Social Animal”

Wow. I feel like I’ve partly been mind-blown because I’ve heard or read something like this before and this time around I’m being reminded of it. I agree that happiness doesn’t mean you must be rich, have a successful career and good looking; all we really need is our family and friends.

Sometimes we get caught up with what the society and our culture believe is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, and good or bad, that we forget about what we believe and lose ourselves.

One of the interesting things in the article is the part talking about the muscle near the eyebrow. The small muscle movements are something we don’t really notice, but we feel them as having a genuine smile, laugh or cry. That’s something that we can read unconsciously and it is very powerful.

Sometimes I wonder why the schools don’t teach us important life skills such as how to file your taxes, or how to make friends, and keeping a healthy relationship, and etc. These are really important things in our lives and we don’t learn them in school where we receive our “education”.

I like the last quote, ” After all, the conscious mind chooses what we buy, but the unconscious mind chooses what we like” because it makes me think about the times when I want something, but I don’t really need them.

Overall the article was really fun to read because I read out loud. There were a lot of words I didn’t know how to pronounce or understand, but I searched them up and I learned something.


Jay Soo

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Journal 5

On September 27, 2013. I had continued working on my concept. First, I collected all the symbols for each major, and dragged them to the Illustrator. Second, I drew the outline for each symbol using the pen tool. Third, I added color and shadow to each symbol and save each symbol as a picture file.

On September 30, 2013. My supervisor, Yue Chen was absent today, so he let me sign in from home. As usual I signed in at 10am this morning, and continued working on my concept on “Open House Recruitment For Prospective Students.”

First, I scanned all my sketches onto my computer. Then I dragged my sketches to the Illustrator, and used the pen tool to outline the sketches. I tried to outline my design in many ways, but none of them worked. So I decided to work on each part of the design separately, instead of doing it all at once. I used the pen tool to outline the logo of New York City College of Technology. After that, I drew the metal wires at the corner of the logo. This wasn’t easy because I had to adjust the angle from each metal wire, as well as connect them to one another. It took me two hours to do this. When I was done with that, I redrew the objects on Photoshop, adding gradient, layer mask, layer style, and a filter to each object. I tested each method, trying to find the best metallic effect on my design.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 4

After gathering some research, I became to form various logos to present the client with. She was drawn to two logos out of the several options I offered her. She told me to design and work on sliders for the upcoming website. She wanted me to play off the company’s name Ripe Taste, by using a bitten apple along with the two logos options. She also wanted me to design another option replacing the apple with an outfit from the company and using both logo options. It took me a while to find the right images that would work well with the logos and the color scheme the client had set for. I personally believe the end result came out successful the client seemed to like the results as well.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Roy’s Internship Journey: Week 3

After my first meeting with Ripe Taste, we planned my first assignment. I was given the task to research some of the competitors of Ripe Taste. Nasty Gal, Lulu Vintage, Free People and Anthropologie were some of the names brought to light. mainly Nasty Gal who is the direct competition compared to the rest. I was told that Ripe Taste’s target audience is late teenagers and early thirty year olds, who are vintage lovers, indie, mainly from Brooklyn, and devoted fashionistas. I was given the assignment to work on some logo options for the company. There were some guidelines placed beforehand such as the palette maintaining itself within the earth tone family, having some edgy aspect to the logo and having a typographic approach to its appearance. The sale pitch of the company is that the clothing are one of a kind, and are washed and dry-cleaned unlike other thrift and vintage shops. The name of the company derives from “ripe” as a metaphor to the right timing of trends and “taste” as the perception of one’s individual style. Throughout the week we have been communicating back and forth making sure the logo represents the company and modifying any disruptions.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal #4

This week – Ressler Importers is going well. Their website is doing well, and I’ve been working on an email for them. They use for their emails, which has proven very useful. Myemma does some analytics for all of the emails sent out, including how many people viewed the individual email, how many viewers clicked to the site from the html email, etc.

Speaking of – I wonder, is it possible to get analytics if I created my own html emails? Hm, I’m curious about this. I suppose you could put a tracker on the email – but I don’t think you can put js in emails – I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll follow up in a later journal entry with news on this.

Otherwise, what can I say here that hasn’t already been said. I just finished with a short blerb about the article that was assigned in class ‘Creation Myth’. I briefly touched on the bureaucracies that were exhibited within Xerox to almost prevent the newer model of the printer from being made. I hate things like this. In fact, I get absolutely fed up with them. Universities (such as this one!), Government agencies, large corporations, really any company can get stuck on a set of rules that at one point or another – someone asks, ‘why do we do it this way?’ When another persons response is, ‘because it’s always been that way.’ Or maybe ‘because that’s the way it’s always been done.’ This is the sign of a bad business. Because a good business would modify the rules and regulations according to what works, not necessarily the way they feel most comfortable doing things.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Creation Myth Article

I liked the article…I suppose it was a bit like a lot of the articles on beginnings of Apple and silicon valley in general. The information on Xerox was of interest, mostly because I guess I generally knew at one point a long time ago they started going down – but I didn’t know the entire story. And it was interesting – the gentleman that created the newer printer model – I feel like this happens…a lot (‘this’ being companies not being okay with innovation or new ways of doing things, etc). The bureaucracies of any business take over all the time unfortunately.

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Response to “How to Get a Job”

Jay Soo


I actually read this before and it’s pretty intense in my opinion. Since I’m still in school and almost graduating, I can’t help but worry about my future. I already have plans to go to grad school to get my masters and become a professor. Why? because I respect a lot of my professors and I’m always inspired by them. I always hear stories about graduates from well known colleges and universities that have no jobs when they enter the society. This scares me a little because I’m about to graduate soon and I might become one of them. I guess I could get more degrees after I get my bachelor’s; I always wanted to be called Dr. Soo, so I guess getting my PhD is a priority on my list of goals.

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Response to “Creation Myth”

Jay Soo


After reading the article and discussing it in class, I realized how important it is to be aware of everything around you. Xerox had the technology but didn’t know how to use it and do something with it, and Steve Jobs had the vision to see and create what became revolutionary. This gave me a thought about my role as a designer, of how important it can be to work in a team. For example in a team someone could see something the others can, or could think of ideas others can. This stresses how important each person could be and how everyone must take part in order to make something extraordinary happen.

The talk about what a genius is in class also motivated me a little. I always knew that being a genius is not easy. I have always been told that I have talent, and I know I do, but I also know that I’m very lazy. I understand that if I am able to overcome this weakness and work hard, I could become something more, and I might see my true potential then. But as of right now I am still procrastinating a lot, and I plan to change that.

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Jay Soo’s Journal Entry 5

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299

I arrived at work today earlier than my clock-in time, as always. My first thought was to finish the project given to me last time, which was to redesign a layout of the City Tech logo on a background filled with pictures. Before I could even reconnect to where I left off last week, my supervisor called me over to his office. I went quickly and was given a new task: to redesign a gift certificate. I could tell the design was bad from first glance; there was no grid, the lines were extended without reason, and the visual was unnecessary dominant. Overall it was just bad.

I figured I should prioritize on my new task over my last one, I didn’t know why, but I just felt it was right. So I did a quick edit, did some research on the web and showed my supervisor. He gave me some feedback about the color and visual graphics, so I continued to edit.

Yue Chan and his intern did their own project and I went to watch because I was interested. They were doing something called “Banana Republican”; I thought it was really witty. Yue sprayed some bananas with red paint and did a photo shoot of a red banana with “Republican” letters attached to it. It was hilarious.

Anyways I finished the gift certificate and showed it to a beautiful lady called Jessica, who introduced me to her daughter. She looked very young, I would not have thought she was a mother.


Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 7.42.53 PM

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Jay Soo’s Journal Entry 4

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299


I finally finished the masking project; it was not difficult, but it was time consuming. I was given another task, to recreate an 11 by 8.5 design of the City Tech logo on top of a background filled with pictures. The Logo should have some opacity to allow the pictures in the background to be visible. Being a rather linear person I immediately organized my working process. First I had to start with the background; I must align the pictures given to me randomly, and then duplicate them to fill the whole background.

To be honest I was working slowly today. I guess I was spending more time on researching how to do it and then got lost while browsing the web. Nothing much happened for the rest of the day since I had to leave early. The other intern didn’t show up, so I felt alone and sad.

I forgot to mention that my supervisor suggested I should bring my laptop to work because the computers in the office are old and slow. I didn’t tell him that my laptop is also old and slow. I did browse the web a little to check out the new Apple laptops, I text messaged my dad to let him know that I might need him to sponsor me a little, he agreed immediately. And this is it for this week’s journal entry; I rambled the last half of this in order to fill 250 words, I’m sorry.

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