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Journal Entry #3 First day of Internship

I am posting my Journal entry a little late but here it is:

My first day at Glyph Creative Studio I received some great advice that made me rethink of  some decisions that I had in mind for my self. Mariana who is the owner of the company took the time to talk to me and asked me important questions like in what direction I was heading and if I wanted to freelance or work for another company. I told her that I wanted to work for my self and that I wanted to mainly focus on  branding and corporate image.  She opened up my eyes when she told me that she doesn’t recommend students to work for themselves right away because it’s harder to learn from our mistakes or gain experience. She said that I should try to work for different companies in the beginning to see how they work and learn from someone with experience. I never though of it that way until she explained it to me. She told me that before she started her own business she worked in different companies and did a lot of networking. She became good at what she does by watching others and learning from their mistakes. Working in these companies gave her more of an idea of what she wanted to do and she quickly went from doing photography to graphic design as well. It was really helpful talking to her and learning how she got started in the graphic design field. We spoke about all the new projects that she has for 2014 and some ideas she had in mind for me to do. Over all it was a great first day and I can’t wait to see what she has in the works for me!


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