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Journal Twelve

I emailed my boss again this week and told him that I wouldn’t be able to come in until later in the week, as I had business I had to take care of.  I didn’t want to cancel again, but they are flexible with my hours, and I did say I would come in later in the week.

I have been working on the website I am doing for this class, and got all of the design done.  I need to try to code it now.  It is a fairly simple website.  It has about ten pages, including a home page, a page about the office, a page about the tasks I performed there, and pages chronologizing what I did during the various weeks.  It ends with a summary page.

It of course lists the mounting work I did, the organizing and retouching, the crime scene tracing, the logo design, and the scanning and printing.  I hope to include a slide show on the home page.  I have the King’s County logo on the front page, along with the slide show.  On the “about” page, I have many pictures from the office.  Then, on the pages chronologizing the weeks, I have tried to include photos which relate to what went on in the office that week.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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