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So Close Yet It’s Only the Beginning

My boss returns and we met up in the weekend at a cafe near the workplace to review on the site mockups. We also managed to speak with some people from the cafe about the site, if the site is easily understandable, and suggestions on what better can be done with them. Most of the people we had reviewing the site since the site was great, simple, and user-friendly. Others, however, said that the site was confusing based on the landing page wondering what this was. After we showed them the other mockups and discuss about them, it was then that they figured out that this was for a movie. Other mention some have said about the landing page was the “Join Now” bar where it should say “Subscription” instead, removing the title in the header bar since the title is already on the picture, and get rid of the black bar and place the “Subscription” bar below the car. Thanks to this information from the people, me and my boss discussed on how we should design the landing page and do a complete do-over of the page. After doing so, we both looked at each other and realized the landing page mockup was better then we thought.

After our meeting, my boss send me an email of the copy for the site to add to the mockups so I can get rid of the dummy text and replace it with the copy. I will be meeting up with him next weekend so I have to get this finished as soon as possible.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

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