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Journal entry #11

IMATS is now officially over. Even though I am so sad I was not able to attend it was nice catching up with Melissa and Rosco, the founder and creative director of the Lip bar, regarding what events took place during the IMATS trip. They were able to network with more people by promoting their lipsticks and they were also able to reach a partial amount of donations for the Lip bar truck. This is an achievement I am thrilled to see transpire. Melissa also told me unfortunately during IMATS someone broke into their car and stole a great deal of items. I told them just be appreciate of the fact they walked away from that situation unharmed. Melissa also allowed me to know that she found a shop that wanted to sell her lipsticks in their store. Since she came back from IMATS she has been working on a massive wholesale order for this shop. So as a result I had to design a fourth lipstick display. It favored the same format as before but I had to change the lipstick for the model I chose to feature and also place the products in the design. I really didn’t realize how massive this order was until I seen how many boxes there was to assemble. Since it was running late I only assembled thirty. I am pretty much sure most of the boxes still haven’t been finished.  Last journal entry I ended with a wish and it came true. I was able to be on set of a photo-shoot. It was more of a videographer shoot with a minor photo-shoot involved. I was the makeup artist, this is something that excited me.  I got to learn a little bit more about taking videos, coming up with concepts, witnessing the styling side of things, and viewing different scenes that are brought together to tell a story. The experience was pretty interesting. I think my interest and curiosity for video has increased.

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