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Journal Nine

Journal Nine

     Yesterday, November 6, 2013, I was scheduled to go to my intern job at the King’s County District Attorney’s office, but I really had to work all day on a midterm for a night class, so I called and told them I couldn’t come in.  I thought maybe I could make up the hours later in the week, and told them so.  I have to show Norberto, the manager, the work that Louis, one of the employees, did with me last week.  He gave me some good ideas, some of which I used for my web three class, and others on some Asian art flyers I”ve have been working on.

He has a good artistic eye, and got me more focused on the feather tool in photoshop, as a way to blend objects, and make things seem less “boxy.”  We also went over some mirroring techniques, and he kept emphasizing that I need to enlarge images when I am working, to make sure things are lined up properly.  You can’t always tell by the eye if things are aligned, but it’s important, as if they aren’t, it will show up on print outs.

I want to show Louis more work that I have tried to do, and also show him the PDF interactive information I looked up and tried to use on my portfolio

presentation in class.  Most likely, I will go in later this week, and talk to him about these kinds of things.He is very helpful and is generous in spending time with others trying to help them with whatever they need.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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