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Kenneth Journal Entry #6

This week wasn’t as busy as the others the only client that the company had were people that needed icons for their sites and some other companies that needed logos. The first company that needed something does was a fashion blogger that needed, custom social media icons for her site. Something very simple; that they thought I could handle with no problem. So they explained to me what was needed, and handed me over the job. At that point I thought to myself that wow they are getting pretty comfortable with me. Or they just didn’t want to do it, but hey I didn’t mind it. I was just happy to do work, and show them the good work that I could do. I then started off making a list of things that would relate and would go with her site. There was a ton of things that could be used for the icon, but after visiting her site. I noticed that she had a lot of handbags on it. So I thought to myself. Maybe I could just illustrate a vector image of a generic handbag and put the social media icons in the middle of them. So goggled pictures of handbags, and I to a realistic picture, traced it and made it into a vector. After I was done with that. I sent it to the creative director for revision and then he forward it to the client. He then emailed me congratulating me and thanking me for my good work.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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