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Final Journal

In conclusion – and in order to sort of wrap up my thoughts on the two jobs I’ve had this semester…both were great learning experiences. With Ressler, I feel that it’s challanging to meet the design that fits them best. It’s also been difficult to get them to be flexible with this design. But overall – they are an amazing local business and I would love for them to flourish as such.

In regards to SMI – oh, so much to say here…SMI has been the best learning experience in terms of freelance work. Prior to this I had done a few quick jobs that took-max, maybe 3 or 4 days? The work with SMI lasted from late August until just recently – the beginning of December. I’ve mentioned this before, but I really wish I had taken Professor Davis’ class prior to taking on this job. (Or – really, I wish the University will make it mandatory to take Design Team as well as 2 or 3 other classes just like it…) And the reason why is because while I was naively blind to it in the beginning, in the middle and especially the end of the project – I felt like I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I felt disorganized, I felt like the company kept changing things up on me (but I didn’t know how to correct this-), I felt a myriad of things that I should have clarified at the very beginning of the project. But at this point, I’m glad I took it on. As I mentioned before, it was a great learning experience and I am sure not to repeat the same problems again.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

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