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Journal Post for 10/02/13

I am glad to say that all creative material has been officially completed and sent to printers. The biggest day was Monday, where I had to turn the agenda for the client summit into an accordion pamphlet to put in lanyards. Along with that a hotel insert that will go into the gift bags. It was interesting to take something I had made into two pages and bring it down to one smaller page.

An interesting design I was requested to do was for a drink card for one of the sponsors of the event, INDEX by Casale Media. I was asked to basically highlight their brand with a picture of the drink they called the Hurricane. They had given pictures based on the drink but were unable to provide anything in a high resolution. So instead of making a card with a pixelated I changed the whole layout to a vector design. The result turned out to be very promising.

Among the client summit work I assisted Human Resources in putting together a welcome power point for the company. The Marketing Director also informed me that they have officially posted the first video for the web series, Digital Marketing Speaks. From here on there will be a video released every two weeks. He would like for me to have the next batch of videos by the end of the year. Looks like I shouldn’t have to worry about keep my self busy for a while now.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm, Uncategorized.

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