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Journal 7

Since my internship almost finished 120 hrs, my friend introduced a chief editor of the Asian Fusion magazine to me. He wanted to see my portfolio and learned about me more before hiring me. Last Thursday, we had first interview meeting. I bought my portfolio to his office. While he reviewed my works, he kept asking me questions, such as “what kind of font I used?”, “why I came out the concept?”, “do I have experience on designing magazine?”, and “what kind of class I taken before”. He seemed like my works. After we discussion my works, he introduced his magazine to me. Let me know the background and information of the magazine. While I looked over the magazine, he asked me to give some commons or my thoughts about the magazine. I point out that the text were too tight; I might use san serif font instead of serif. He agreed my comment. However, he needed time to make decision and ask me wait for his email. After two days ago, I received his email, and he could provide an internship to me. We decided to have second interview in this Tuesday. In the second interview, the question mostly base on my schedule, the works I needed to work on and some personal questions. In the end, he gave me the files of this fall issue which just published few days ago. He wanted me to play around with it first, make some improvement of the layout. During these three months, I have opportunity to work on their winter issue.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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