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Response to “Social Animal”

Wow. I feel like I’ve partly been mind-blown because I’ve heard or read something like this before and this time around I’m being reminded of it. I agree that happiness doesn’t mean you must be rich, have a successful career and good looking; all we really need is our family and friends.

Sometimes we get caught up with what the society and our culture believe is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, and good or bad, that we forget about what we believe and lose ourselves.

One of the interesting things in the article is the part talking about the muscle near the eyebrow. The small muscle movements are something we don’t really notice, but we feel them as having a genuine smile, laugh or cry. That’s something that we can read unconsciously and it is very powerful.

Sometimes I wonder why the schools don’t teach us important life skills such as how to file your taxes, or how to make friends, and keeping a healthy relationship, and etc. These are really important things in our lives and we don’t learn them in school where we receive our “education”.

I like the last quote, ” After all, the conscious mind chooses what we buy, but the unconscious mind chooses what we like” because it makes me think about the times when I want something, but I don’t really need them.

Overall the article was really fun to read because I read out loud. There were a lot of words I didn’t know how to pronounce or understand, but I searched them up and I learned something.


Jay Soo

Posted in Uncategorized.

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