Austin Felix Unphotographable #3

This picture I did not take of an evening sky. As the sun slowly went down the skies colors changed with colors ranging from baby pink to orange and lavender clouds. The clouds spread across the horizon formed in the shape of deep waves.  This sunset was a great way to reflect back on a successful day I had.

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Austin Felix Unphotographable #2

This picture I did not take of  a woman walking down the street upset. As she walked through the normal streets she was yelling to herself and kicking a fence.  It was interesting and quite amusing the angles of her body as she throws each kick. Soon she stopped realizing either the fence does not feel the pain or she got tired.

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Austin Felix Unphotographable #1

This picture I did not take of a man sleeping on the train. Most people sleep sitting up, but this guy was laying down across the seats. With his body laying there and dark shades on, all eyes on the train were on him. People were giving him a look of caution as they wanted to disturb his sleep for a seat on the train.

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Sport Car – Unphotographable #3 by Carlos Mo Wu

This is a picture I did not take of a sport car called Audi R8 on Canal Street. The car color was white and shiny. It was parked on a normal parking slot for such an amazing car. The R8 attracted a lot of pedestrians including myself because of its unique exotic design. It’s one of the best looking cars in the world.

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Ancient Drawings – Unphotographable #2 by Carlos Mo Wu

This is a picture I did not take of ancient drawings from Taino Indians in the Cave of Miracles. Most of the drawings were stick people while a few were unexplainable. Those art works mostly illustrate daily activities of Taino Indians. One of the drawings shows a ritual dance in form of a circle.

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Eiffel Tower – Unphotographable #1 by Carlos Mo Wu

This is a picture I did not take of the Eiffel Tower when I was on the airplane. On my way to China, I suddenly noticed that incredible and beautiful tower. The lighting of Eiffel is an exquisite combination with the city light of Paris. It was a perfect panorama and a great night view.

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Diego Vega unphotograph #2

This is a picture I did not take of a men riding a tricycle who was disguised as Spiderman.This guy took his tricycle in the middle of Union Square and started doing amazing tricks with it. People were amused by watching this anonymous guy, and to encourage him more they screamed “Go Spiderman!” Even though this guy was blocking traffic, police officers did not kick him out and they just left him alone.

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Diego Vega Unphotograph

This is a picture that I did not take of my cousin playing at the park. I let her play for 15 min, after her Daycare. Something  I found very interesting was that her happiness, her smiles and her emotions of  having fun were something natural that came from her soul and her inner self. After that I realized that the happiness and smiles of us adults is not the same as children because of many factors.

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Assignment for Thursday

It was great to meet all of you today! Your assignment for Thursday is listed on the “Schedule” page above, but I’ll repost it here for the sake of clarity:




  • Write three unphotographable moments; post on course blog
If you have any trouble signing up for the OpenLab or joining the course group/blog, please let me know. And remember to check out the OpenLab Help section if you have questions.


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