Unphotograpable Moment #1 Ross Barnes

This is a picture I did not take of a woman smoking a cigarette, and drinking while sitting on the side walk counting her dollar bills like they were going out of style. Like the alcohol and cigarettes were free.

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Unphotographable Moment #2- Raveena Bahadur

My camera was not able to catch the scene of the student who just passed her finals; having the widest smile on her face and jumping up in the air; with everyone walking past her giving her weird looks.

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Unphotographable Moment #1- Raveena Bahadur

My camera was not able to catch the scene of the baby whose cheeks turned tomato red crying because she was hungry.

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Stalin Lozado unphotographical #3

This is a picture i did not take of a construction site where there was a building being built and i noticed that the work was geting done but the workers and the people run the building seemed to be enjoying themselves. I then began to think that one must do something he likes in order to enjoy their work.

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Stalin Lozado unphotographical #2

This is a picture i did not take of a wrecked house. This house was a very old house which looked to be made of blocks that were barely holding on two a couple of columns on the sides. i was surprised to see that there was some type of farming being done by some people who im guessing live there. There i saw fruits of many kinds and a garden full flowers and i could see that this people had a joy to live in this home.

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Diego Vega unphotograph #3

This is a picture I did not take of my first day in The United States. I really do not know how I presented all my documents to the securities nor how I spoke with them at the airport without knowing any English. I felt something unexplainable in me; I was exited for being here and at the same time I had fear of this country because I did not know how this society would treat me for being an alien. Everything around me seemed strange as if I was in a movie or if I had traveled to another dimension. Many questions and ideas ran through my mind of how my life in America was going to be.

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stalin lozado unphotographical # 1

This is a picture i did not take of a old lady begging for money in the street. a lady who i later saw stroll down to the subway and later come out with a fresh look she was wearing new clothes and was waiting for a cab on the corner while talking on a cellphone. What have people come to do to cheat other people of their money.

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Unphotographable moment #3 Angel Margarito

This is picture that i did not take of a street with a great selection of stores. The buildings were clear of graffiti and the windows reflected the sunlight perfectly. But the floor where thousands of people walk everyday was the total opposite dirt and grime covered the floor wrappers of fast food items hovered over the ground. nothing is perfect.

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Unphotographable moment #2 Angel Margarito

This is a picture that i did not take of a man with his dog both looked very young and energetic .the dog was a chestnut brown husky. the young man was wearing plastic sunglasses and a blue shirt with holes at the bottom of his shirt. The life of a energetic young man seems to be easy.

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Unphotographable #1 Angel Margarito

This is a picture i did not take of a man that was sitting on the bus who was reading a newspaper. Wearing a blue collared shirt. He was old  his skin as wrinkled as an elephants knee.he was gripping the paper with such a soft touch you would have thought the fell out of his hand.

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