Noelle Weinmeier unphotographable moment # 4

This is a moment my camera did not catch, a man got on the train in a clean cut kind of manner, selling chocolates. His loud voice pierced my ears at first then I listened to what he said, his lips moved so fast it was as if you couldn’t even match the words, he seemed so ashamed as he asked the passengers to buy to help him make his way threw school. When people turned away like he didn’t ask for help, you saw him break a little. This was a moment of a man with almost, too much pride

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Unphotographable Moment #5

This is a photo I could not take of man returning from his service in the war. He came up the stairs in the train station and his girlfriend/wife ran to him crying and jumped into his arms.

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Unphotographable Moment #4

This is a picture I could not take of a father buying his daughter ice cream from an ice cream truck. The little girl was extremely happy about it but once her father gave her the cone, as she went for her first lick, she dropped it. Her emotion became the polar opposite of what it was a minute before.

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Uphotographable Moment #3

This is a picture that I did not take of my friend who we surprised him with a cake on his birthday , as his eyes opened and as he smile then looked away as a tear came down after another not because he was sad just because he was loved and cared from his friends, but as no one knows he also cry’s because his mother and father didn’t care about his birthday and having friends that do made it even more speical to him…..

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Uphotographable Moment #2

This is a picture that I did not take of a child who is walking the streets with a bucket of shoe shine supplies i see him going up to guys to shine there shoes just to make money  and i see him walk by myside, he looks in to my eyes and  i look in to his eyes and i see sadness and hunger asking please to help as he kept walking , a face i will never forget……

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Manuel Margarito Un – photo graphical moment # 3

This is a picture i did not take of a building being demolished. fire exploding out of the first,third and seventh floors of the 10 story building. The tall structure fell to the ground like a defeated warrior.

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Manuel Margarito Un- photographical moment #2

This is a picture i did not take of a couple fighting in public. the woman was yelling loud and rude comments at the man she threw everything she had at him. even a text book that must have weighed 45 pounds at his head.

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Manuel Margarito Un-photo graphical moment #1

This is a picture i did not take of a dog riding a ruby colored skateboard with a pink helmet on there were four kids trailing behind the dog as he zoomed by me.

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unphotographable moment # 3

One day my friends and I decided to go bowling since we had nothing scheduled that day. I was ahead by 13 points and it was looking like I was winning when one of my friends messed up by going out to far, the impact of which she hit the sent chills up my spine. Despite her agony she still got a strike and she was the the injured victor. Despite me losing I wish I had a photo of her slipping.

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unphotographable moment

To make my senior memorable it was only fitting that the school had their annual celebrity day. I truly wish I had a camera because one of my peers decided to be enigmatic a dress up as Willy Wonka as their celebrity. She smelled like cherry Laffy Taffy and the watermelon Nerds.

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