Unphotographable Moment #5

I remember Valentines Day at age 16, I was considered one of the best people to give and get extraordinary gifts, but in specific I was the best at love letters because my pen opened  up an eloquent and classy side of me. I remember my valentine strolling down the hallway towards me, and with great confidence I handed her the “Winnie The Pooh” teddy bear and she became so excited that she threw herself at me, but the what really brought my confidence to new heights was watching her face illuminate as bright as the stars as she read my love letter from that moment she would call me “The Secret Ingredient to Love Letters.” I could beat myself because I never had a camera for this special day.

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Unphotographable moment #4

I remember playing for high school’s football team, but there was a game in particular that I will never forget and that was against August Martin High School. The weather was about 30 degrees and we all dressed warm for this game but that never was beneficial as the weather changed from rain, hail, and then snow. My hands were losing heat and they became blue and stiff , I shivered and my teeth chattered unconsciously. The more I wished I were home the more I’d freeze, by the end of the game my teammates and I had suffered from hypothermia. I wish I had pictures of how drastically the weather had changed.

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Stephanie Sanchez. 9/4 Unphotographical moment #2

This is a picture I did not take of a Starbucks. I went in Starbucks waiting at the long line. The mood there was cheerful, the people having conversation, drink their beverage, the smell of fresh coffee and the employees singing and making orderns. While I was waiting for my order thinking how faster a place or a person can change your mood, I heard one of them yelled,  Stephanie Smoothie Orange Mango!.

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Stephanie Sanchez. 9/4 Unphotographical moment #1

This is a picture I did not take of my three little brothers. My parents went with my siblings at walmart buy their supplies for school. My siblings were crazy, jumping around us, running and grabbing everything that they saw, then my little sister saw a tall man she was, Wow! You’re so big  where is the machine that made you so big! everybody was laughing out loud. The kids has the most beautiful imagination and innocence.

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Stephanie Sanchez. Unphotographical moment #3

This is a picture I did not take of a police officer. The train A stopped at the stop 88 st when the officer came to the train with his gun and maracle, walking fast like looking for something or someone. Everybody was quiet looking at the officer, even the people that were reading or listening music stopped what they were doing and those that were sleeping suddenly woke up scared.

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Short Blog Post Due 9/6 Noelle Weinmeier

Out of all documents we have been assigned to read so far, my favorite was “What is a City?”. This piece of work stood out most in my mind due to the visiual image i got while reading it. It was as if i was really there. Then when watching the video the imagry I witnessed was not exactly how the video played out. I also favored this one because i like to watch the movie to a book I have read. I do this to see the comparison, like what they improved, what they exaurated and what they could make better. In life, you can always make something, no matter how good you think it is, better.

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Unphotograpical moment Manuel Margarito #2

This is a picture i did not take of a young man playing baseball. He was the pitcher and his eyes were incredibly focused on the catchers MIT. He went through is wind up and released the ball at such a violent velocity it seemed to be invisible.

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Unphotograpical moment Manuel Margarito #1

This is a picture i did not take, A child crying at the feet of his mother while she remained on her phone. he was looking up with his arms around her knees.


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stalin lozado unphotographical # 2

This is a picture i did not take a homeless person sleeping on a public train. This person was laying on a whole bench which was probably able to fit about 4  people, but it didn’t mater because this this homeless person had a really bad smell. This smell was like a combination of sweat, dumpster trash in the alley and manure and was strong enough to make everybody switch wagons.

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stalin lozado unphotographical #1

This is a picture i did not take of a blind lady waiting for the bus while talking to her reliable guide dog. i could tell that to her that dog was more than just her guide he was like a best friend to her because she talked to the dog as if he could respond to her, which in the dogs mind and in her mind im preatty sure he did.

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