New York city Austin Felix

When you have a city with such diversity it is subject to change.  My experience in New York city has told me anything can happen at any time.  There a millions of people in this city all so it’s a pretty busy place at almost any given time.  Mumford stated “a special framework directed toward the creation of differentiated opportunities for a common life and a significant collective drama.” referring to a city similar to New York. This city does offer many opportunities for individuals families and tourists and I believe that’s what a city should be about. Cities are subject to change and new York city has developed through many ups and downs all over.  E. B. White stated “New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation”. I agree because being in this city not too many people give an impression of happiness. Although this city finds various was to bring people together to participate in activities such as parades and sport events. Not to forget that we are in a city violence tends to occur and everything is perfect. This urban area has large differences with the suburbs around ranging from population and opportunity to the element of surprise and diversity.

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