New York

I think of New York City as a place of evolution. Everyday something new is happening whether it is fashion, technology, Diversity and the Architecture. When I listen to this quote, “This mixture is the key source to the city’s vitality and we must enlarge and enrich it as we move toward a new urban form.” by Mumford, I notice how much the city has changed throughout our history. When you walk through the city, you can notice how a variety of buildings are being constructed or modified in a way to attract more people. I agree with Mumford’s quote because what he was getting out to us, Is exactly what is happening in our city at this moment. We, the people are enlarging the city which is and has caused the city to be urbanized.  The quote stated by E.B. White, “I am twenty- two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, Eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher’s office where Ernesto Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn eagle, etc” states how much history New York City has. This portion of the quote only shows 4 people but it goes on. These people mentioned were important when it came to journalism, poetry, acting, writing and more which is significantly relevant to New York’s Modern times and its History. Before technology took over our lives, the people of New York City were constantly reading books, and newspapers which is what gave these people their publicity. Although you, or other people around you do these activities this day, you cannot compare it to with those days because the ratio is much different.

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