Monthly Archives: August 2012

Diego Vega unphotograph #3

This is a picture I did not take of my first day in The United States. I really do not know how I presented all my documents to the securities nor how I spoke with them at the airport without … Continue reading

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stalin lozado unphotographical # 1

This is a picture i did not take of a old lady begging for money in the street. a lady who i later saw stroll down to the subway and later come out with a fresh look she was wearing … Continue reading

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Unphotographable moment #3 Angel Margarito

This is picture that i did not take of a street with a great selection of stores. The buildings were clear of graffiti and the windows reflected the sunlight perfectly. But the floor where thousands of people walk everyday was … Continue reading

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Unphotographable moment #2 Angel Margarito

This is a picture that i did not take of a man with his dog both looked very young and energetic .the dog was a chestnut brown husky. the young man was wearing plastic sunglasses and a blue shirt with holes at … Continue reading

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Unphotographable #1 Angel Margarito

This is a picture i did not take of a man that was sitting on the bus who was reading a newspaper. Wearing a blue collared shirt. He was old  his skin as wrinkled as an elephants knee.he was gripping the … Continue reading

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Austin Felix Unphotographable #3

This picture I did not take of an evening sky. As the sun slowly went down the skies colors changed with colors ranging from baby pink to orange and lavender clouds. The clouds spread across the horizon formed in the … Continue reading

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Austin Felix Unphotographable #2

This picture I did not take of  a woman walking down the street upset. As she walked through the normal streets she was yelling to herself and kicking a fence.  It was interesting and quite amusing the angles of her … Continue reading

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Austin Felix Unphotographable #1

This picture I did not take of a man sleeping on the train. Most people sleep sitting up, but this guy was laying down across the seats. With his body laying there and dark shades on, all eyes on the … Continue reading

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Sport Car – Unphotographable #3 by Carlos Mo Wu

This is a picture I did not take of a sport car called Audi R8 on Canal Street. The car color was white and shiny. It was parked on a normal parking slot for such an amazing car. The R8 … Continue reading

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Ancient Drawings – Unphotographable #2 by Carlos Mo Wu

This is a picture I did not take of ancient drawings from Taino Indians in the Cave of Miracles. Most of the drawings were stick people while a few were unexplainable. Those art works mostly illustrate daily activities of Taino … Continue reading

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