Orange Night

Orange Night

I took this photo after class while I was walking to the train station. The most obvious object in this photo is the tall building centered in the photograph, however I am more drawn to the orange skies in its background. The orange sky in the background was produced by the camera, for as an eyewitness, I can assure you the sky was not orange that night but instead black. It amazes me how my camera can manipulate and exaggerate the colors of such photos until they are almost unrecognized by the photographer. This photo has no filter applied.

Orange Night, Nelson Pereira Jr, 03/18/2014

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staten island ferry terminal

photo 1


This picture was taken this morning at 10 am. it takes place in the back of the ferry terminal where car drop offs are made. the sky is blue and the sun is out. also you can see that the tree has no leaves on it. I took this photo on my way to school this morning as you can see it looks sort of empty.

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Cold Clasp

Bay 50th, March 17th 2014, Ismail A.

Bay 50th, March 17th 2014, Ismail A.

I snapped this photo of a snowed-in park on the 18th of February. During a stop on 50th street, while riding the D train, I peered out to the open park only to notice the branches obscuring my view.  I immediately remembered my photography assignment, and seized this photo. Initially I was disappointed with the raindrops littering my frame, before I had chance to re-shoot, the train had taken off. Upon further inspection, I grew fond of the dew scattered throughout the photo, they create a sense of ‘panic’ while the bright park is in the ‘clutches’ of the dark branches. The stark contrast between the branches and the white-washed backdrop highlight the sharp rigid shape of the branches. Focusing on only the left and right frames, I notice the branches created a ‘mirrored’ effect, almost like ‘hands’ clutching the park, hence my title ‘Cold Clasp’.  This photo is a constant reminder that Mother Nature is in ultimate control, and we can’t escape her grip.

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Tree at Midnight

March 17th, 2014, Denise A.

March 17th, 2014, Denise A.

This photo was taken across the street from the Marriot Hotel in Downtown Brooklyn. The tree without leaves had a perfect shadow onto the not so busy street at the time. The time of day/night and the lighting around us, including the light from the full moon helped give this photo life. The tree leans over the street and the shadow is able to record almost every detail of it onto the ground. Because the tree was leaning, it looked as if it was standing and watching it’s own shadow, as if it were a person. This was a real and regular snapshot but also count help but notice that the tree next to this one didn’t have a shadow. It could’ve been their positions or maybe this one just had access to better, brighter lighting.

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Patchy Sky

March 17th 2014, Denise A.

March 17th 2014, Denise A.

Taken on the corner of Willoughby Avenue and Marcus Garvey Boulevard in Brooklyn, NY, the moon stood whole and bright in the sky. My camera was unable to capture the moon in it’s complete form but the light it produced did justice. It’s rare that I see clouds and a full moon in an interesting setting, such as this one, so I had to take a photo. The clouds further away from the moon seemed patchy, as if they’ve broken away from each other. But the clouds closer to the moon seemed as if they were more connected. This photo looks like it could be apart of a dream yet is very realistic. And the buildings and how they’re shaped raises the reality effect tremendously.

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Great Minds Think Alike

March 15, 2014, Josue L. Pierre

This photo was taken March 15, 2014. This was taken at my house. This was after everyone had fallen asleep. I was hungry so went to get some food. I see a microwave which has an oval shaped black cover on it. I see a sink next. I only see the corner of the stove, the rest of it is missing. I see large cabinets and half of a small cabinet. I see a trash can and right behind it is a door that’s brings you to the backyard. Most of these objects are rectangles. I see eating utensils on top of the microwave. I also see a red, orange light that brightens mostly the cabinet and the microwave. I see eating utensils on top of the microwave. I took this photo because the light represents what I’m about to do. When I woke up to get food, I was going to open the large cabinets to get some utensils and then use the microwave to heat up my left overs. It seemed as if the light knew what I was planning to eat. At first it was a little scary, but then it looked pretty cool.  

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Light & Dark

Utica Ave., March 16, 2014, Josue L. Pierre

This photo was taken on March 16, 2014. This was taken after I finished performing at a church service. I decided to take it because where we stopped looked just right. I had to take the photo with all the cars passing by. I see a bunch of cars standing on the other side of the street. I see a bus coming out of the bus stop. There are buildings there too, but it’s too dark to really see them. There is not that much light coming from the buildings. Most of the light is coming from the cars. There is a red light.  And I also see street lights. I took this to show that the light from the cars and streets in my opinion represents purity, happiness and hope whereas the darkness surrounding it represents fear, doubt and sadness. And the way the picture is shown, it seems that the light shows a little bit of hope and happiness. The light also represents how many people could possibly be pure while the darkness represents the exact opposite.

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Every Day Life


20th Street-Brooklyn, March 15, 2014, Cristian Calle.

This photograph was taken by me on March 15, 2014. As I was heading out of my parents’ apartment to take a walk at prospect park with a relative that was visiting , I noticed that there was a elder man scrabbling in the  dumpsters located outside of the building I live.  He was collecting any kind of objects for recycling. It was afternoon, and the sun was at its peak, shining all the way. I shot this photograph from the upper side of the street. As it is shown in the photograph, there are cars’ shadows from left to right and all the way down the street. The reason this photograph was taken is because I wanted to show the reality of some people,  and what they have to go through every day just to earn some money, so they can have a living, and also because he did not mind me taking the photograph at all.


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New York



Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, March 13,2014, Cristian Calle.

On March 13, 2014, I took this photograph while driving to Queens, where a cousin of mine named Juan lives. I took this photograph because  the view was compelling to me. The day was clear, with a few clouds moving west in a wave-like motion. In the photograph, a bit of sun light coming from the left side of the frame  seems to directly hit the city.  In the front, a few skyscrapers  appear to be almost the same height, but in the background there seems to be the peak of the brand new “One World Trade Center” skyscraper standing above all others. On the Brooklyn side of the river, below the protecting fence of the street, there seems to be a little construction going on.

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Old McDonald



This is a colorful image, taken in the daytime, of toys laying across a tan carpet with an angled, egg crate-like pattern. The main focus is on a green tractor at the left, center of the image. Directly at the center, is Old McDonald. He sits staring head-on, as if the photo shoot was set-up for him. In the foreground is a little green car trying to steal his thunder – flashing a bright toothy smile. The background of this image to the far right is of less importance, other than showing the bright sunshine through the kitchen windows.

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