Category Archives: Uncategorized

East New York Surveillance

This Photo was taken on 101st street. I decided to take this photo because it would focus exactly on my target. The photo was taken on a cloudy day with no visible sunlight. The Camera is resting on top of … Continue reading

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Road to the Nba?

This is a photo i took at the Highland park in my neighborhood,its a photograph of guys playing the game of basketball.There are about eleven people in the photograph,its obviously daytime,a court,basketball rims, and fences.The atmosphere of this photo looks … Continue reading

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Reminders for Midterm Exam

Hi Class, On Thursday we will take the Midterm Exam. It will resemble Quiz 3 in that it will focus on summary and citations. In addition, it will have two short answer questions. Next Tuesday, April 8th: Final Draft of … Continue reading

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A Day In the City

I took this picture not too long ago I was in Time Square roaming around shopping I randomly took this photo with the amount of business and it came out to be a good picture. There was so many things … Continue reading

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  Jason 02/27/2014 THE MORTAL WARRIOR.VS THR SERPRNT SYMBOLISM. This a painting. This is my photograph of a painting. A mortal warrior slaying a serpent in this painting. Symbolism, the serpent represents the struggles within mankind, while the mortal warrior … Continue reading

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Jason Date, 03/20/2014 DAWN, NATURE’S PASSION.(the color of beauty made full) This is a photograph that I took while I was on vacation in the West Indies. The West Indies possess some of the most beautiful get away location a … Continue reading

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jason Date, 03/18/2014 THE PROJECTION OF BEAUTY This is a photograph of a friend of mines by the name Lisa. Upon seeking a photograph for my assignment I wasn’t sure what kind of photograph to use, luckily, I have friends. … Continue reading

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Franklin avenue overpass

I took this photo on march 21, 2014 from the my window looking down at the franklin avenue  overpass connecting the uptown and downtown C train and the shuttle train to prospect park. This image shows about three quarter of … Continue reading

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Fulton Lights

Denise A, March 20, 2014 This photo was captured on March 20th, 2014 in Manhattan’s Fulton Street train station, involved fluorescent lights and train signs. There is so much yet so little going on in this photo but the lights … Continue reading

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Opposing Forces

I snapped this photo of this cloudy sky on the 18th of February. During a stop on 50th street, while riding the D train, I peered out to the sky only to notice the branches obscuring my view. I immediately remembered … Continue reading

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