March 18, 2014 Homework

Amish Farms

Amish Farms

The photograph Amish Farms taken on March 15, 2014 during my visit to the Amish farms located in Pennsylvania. I took the photograph to remind me of how simple life can be and how the simplest things can bring joy to someone, as well as sadness and torture to others. By others, I mean all the innocent animals that have to endure the cruelty so we can have the joy of having a cheeseburger. When I walked in to the location where all the cows where kept I was deeply sadden. The cows in this picture were sad and I could see it in their eyes. The cows are all lined up on a row chained into place by these metal chains and surrounded by mosquitos. The cows where surrounded by filth and the smell in there was horrible. It made me very sad and I promised myself that I would try my hardest not to eat any more meat. I only thought to myself how this could bring joy to anyone. The Amish community saw the cows as a money machine. They had gallons and gallons of milk for sale outside of the location where the cows where kept. In a fridge the size of a classroom.

Amish Farms
Dominant impression: sadness
Studium: Amish Farms
Punctum: The first cow in the row sadness to the camera
Profilmic event: Tour of the Amish farms
Frame: taken at the entrance of the cows home
Reality effect: cows in a farm


My Neighborhood Church

My Neighborhood church

The photograph My Neighborhood Church taken on March 16, 2014 is about a church named st Joseph church located in Astoria, Queens. This church is very special to me as this is the church on where I did my first communion as well as my confirmation. As a kid, I attended catholic school here and Sunday classes also. This church is huge as it takes up the whole block and it has its own school building in the rear of the church. Every few months there are festivals held in the church backyard along with carnival rides and community events. This church brings our community closer and I can happily say that everyone in my neighborhood knows each other thanks to the events this church provides which make my neighborhood safe to live on.

Dominant Impression: happiness
Studium: St. Joseph church Astoria, Queens
Punctum: Bright orange bricks
Profilmic event: walking home
Frame: taken across the street
Reality effect: bright sunny day

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One Response to March 18, 2014 Homework

  1. Edisson,

    Interesting photos. They are quite different, but if you would like to compare them, I approve. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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