Monthly Archives: February 2014


    Here is the chair!   Chair, 2014, Sean Scanlan

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Camera Information and Videos

Hi Class…lot’s of information today! Homework for Tuesday: Read Parla and Anastasio. Post a photograph (make sure that the image size is under 1 Mb) that you have taken to OpenLab then describe it under the photo in terms of … Continue reading

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Paragraphs are Cool!

Here is a handout on paragraphs that I want to cover: ParagraphStructure2014 Best, Prof. Scanlan

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Reading Photographs

Hi Class, 1. What is a photograph? 2. Why do we take, keep, share, and discard photographs? 3. How should we make sense of photographs? The French sociologist and critic Roland Barthes wrote about photography, and he came up with … Continue reading

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Peer Review Handout for Essay 1

Hi Class, Here is the peer review for Essay 1–should you need it. PeerReviewComp1-Essay-1-Spg-2014 Best, Prof. Scanlan

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Essay 1 Preparation

Hi Class, To prepare to turn in Essay 1 on Tuesday, Feb 25, please do the following: Put all process work in a paper folder–with your name on it: –Final Draft –Previous Drafts –Assignment Details –Peer Review –Thesis Handout –Emmy … Continue reading

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Homework for Tuesday, Feb 18

Hi Class, For Tuesday, February 18th,  bring in a newly revised page 1 of Essay1. In order to do this, first, print out and study the Thesis Handout, found under the “Readings” menu tab. Second, revise your page 1 in … Continue reading

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Sentence Revision

Here’s a summary sentence that we will work on in class; it can be improved in numerous ways: “Santiago is writing about the story of a girl who comes from DR and hopes to get into the 8th grade and … Continue reading

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Four Ideas about Home

Four Brief Thoughts on Home: These ideas on home might help us prepare for our first formal essay.   Maya Angelou (American Author and Poet): “I believe that one can never leave home. I believe that one carries the shadows, … Continue reading

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New Reading: Howard Gardner

Hi Class, For the Howard Gardner reading (in case you do not have the book yet), please go to the “Readings” menu tab and see Reading #4.   Cheers, Prof. Scanlan

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