Hi everyone,
You can now find the following grade information in the OpenLab Gradebook (if you’d like to know how your grade for the course is calculated, the grading policy can be found here):
- Project (out of 100). Grade is based on Parts I-IV of the Numerical Methods Project.
- OpenLab / Participation (out of 100). Based on OpenLab assignment “Advice from the Past” together with class participation. Extra credit was available on the OpenLab assignment, so a score greater than 100 is possible.
- WeBWorK (out of 100). To receive 100, you must have completed 90% of the assigned WeBWorK – if you completed more than 90%, your score will be higher than 100. In addition, there were two Optional assignments over Spring Break, and these points could also increase your score beyond 100.
- Course Average – all except final exam (out of 100). This gives your % in the course prior to the Final Exam — it includes your three class exams, OpenLab/Participation, WeBWorK, and the Project.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’ll see you all this afternoon for the final exam. Good luck!
– Prof. Reitz
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