Upcoming Math Club Talks

Hi everyone,

The Math Club meets almost every Thursday during club hours (12:45 – 2:00) in Room N719.  They have free pizza and cool talks about Math – fun, interesting and inspiring, and the topics should be accessible to all of you.  You don’t have to be a member to attend – just show up!  I wanted to call out two upcoming talks especially:

This Week (Thurs 10/23): 
Jonathan Ginsberg, Basic Concepts in Hyperbolic Geometry
If you are currently taking or plan to take Geometry I/Geometry II, check this out!

Next Week (Thurs 10/30):
Andrew Douglas, Proofs Without Words
This is a perfect talk for you guys – amazing examples of proofs that involve ONLY pictures.  I strongly encourage you all to attend!

Here’s the Math Club site, with additional talks and info:


Prof. Reitz

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