Monthly Archives: October 2013

Homework Week 8

Homework Week 8
Written work – Chapter 6 p. 116 #5, 8 (due next Tuesday, 10/22)
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – OpenLab #3, due Tuesday 10/29.

NOTE: Exam #2 will take place on Thursday, 10/24.


Exam 2 Review is posted

Find it on the “Exam Reviews” page (link in the menu above the shark).  Answers to the review will be added to the document sometime this week.  If you have any questions or notice any errors please let me know.

-Prof. Reitz

Office hours tomorrow (Thursday 10/10)

Hi everyone,

My office hours tomorrow will not be at the regularly scheduled time, but instead:

  • 9:00am – 10:00am (before class), in N707 – moving to the classroom around 9:45.
  • 1:45pm-2:30pm, in N707

As always, I’m happy to make individual arrangements to meet at other times – just send me an email.

Take care,
Prof. Reitz

Followup on Today’s Lecture (Tues 10/8)

Hi everyone,

In the homework from today, the final two problems (#15, 16) use an idea called “Proof by cases” (considering different possible situations within your proof).    To complete these two problems, read Page 96 (starting with “4.4 Cases” and ending at the end of the first proof, at the bottom of the page).  Bring your questions on Thursday!


-Prof. Reitz

Homework Week 7

Homework Week 7
Written work – Chapter 4 p.98 #1, 6, 15, 16,  Chapter 5 p.108 #1, 4, 20 (due next Thursday, 10/17 – NOTE that Tuesday 10/15 is a Monday schedule, so our class does not meet)
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none

KEEP IN MIND: For written work, the odd-numbered problems have complete solutions in the back of the book.  USE THIS RESOURCE.  You should try the problem on your own first, but when you are done read the solution carefully, and adjust your answer accordingly!  Let these examples be your guide on how to approach a proof.  

Office hours today (10/4): 12pm-1pm

Hi everyone,

Office hours today will be from 12pm-1pm (I will also be able to answer a quick question or two right after class).

-Prof. Reitz

Our OpenLab site is up and running again

Let me know if you have any further difficulties.  Barring future problems, the due date for the assignment is still midnight on Thursday 10/4 (tomorrow).

See you tomorrow,

Prof. Reitz

Problems with our OpenLab site

Hi everyone,

A number of you have pointed out that our site is having problems – I’ve submitted a bug report, and will keep you posted.  Don’t worry – if it’s not resolved soon I’ll extend the deadline for OpenLab assignment #2.

Sorry for the trouble!

Prof. Reitz

Homework Week 6

Homework Week 6
Written work – none
WeBWorK – Assignment5-Sec3.1-3.4 (Due Tuesday, 10/8, at midnight)
OpenLab – OpenLab #2 due this Thursday

Homework Week 5

Homework Week 5
Written work – none
WeBWorK – Assignment4-Sec2.7-2.11 (Due Thursday 10/3, at midnight)
OpenLab – Assignment #2 (Due Thursday, 10/3)