Author Archives: Jetmir Selami

Culture Jam Final Draft

culture jam final draft.docx

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Culture Jam Draft

culture jam.docx

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blog post 10

One idea for the culture jam is Nike. The idea behind this is motto “just do it” and sweatshops. Nike is a brand that pushes the idea of needing their clothes and making the person feel the need to buy … Continue reading

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blog post 9

In “The Border Patrol State” by Leslie Marmon Silko I found the section about when Silko spoke about the erecting of an American iron curtain at the U.S- Mexico border on pages four to five interesting. Interesting in the sense … Continue reading

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blog post 8

While reading Haraway’s’ “Cyborg Manifesto” I encountered interesting ideas that was brought up by Haraway. One idea that is touched upon by Haraway is the meaning of being a human being. The “cyborg” as donna describes is partial organic and … Continue reading

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Blog post 7

Within the Trask readings the author mentions colonialism, and the process of colonization of the native peoples. In what ways did this misrepresentation of Hawaiian culture facilitate the colonization process, and what were the consequences for the Hawaiian people’s relationship … Continue reading

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Discussion question Jetmir/Nino group two

Discuss whether if the alphabetical organization should be valued more than topical organization in the context of the encyclopedia. Remediation within the context of “Writing Space” by Bolter is the repurposing or refashioning of a medium into something new. Printed … Continue reading

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blog post 6

An idea that stood out to me in Bolters “Writing Space, Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print” was how encyclopedias are a reflection of the time that we live in. In the chapter “Encyclopedic Order” on page eighty-four Bolter … Continue reading

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Technology/media exploratory essay

The Shaping of Individuals and Society essay_final draft.docx

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10/5 revision plan

My plans for revising my paper would be to make it more cohesive and combine some of my sentences. I also intend to fix my last body paragraphs and make it more cohesive. I speak about some of the intended … Continue reading

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Blog post 5 The writing was okay. I finished it, and I do believe I adhered to the prompts set to a fair degree. However, I had trouble making it coherent for the reader. I felt like I was jumping from idea … Continue reading

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classwork 9/28/2023

One way of incorporating McLuhan into our writing is explaining his idea of cool and hot media and explain how my selected technologies operate. Another idea would be amputation into amplification. The technologies chosen should show how technology transitions from … Continue reading

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Blog post 4

CamScanner luhan 09-28-2023 11.45 (pg 104) What I was trying to get at with the artwork was the concept of McLuhan’s global village. The idea of the global village is with technologies like computers, television, and other advanced telecommunication devices, … Continue reading

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blog post 3/ tech lit narrative

tech_lit narrative CamScanner 09-21-2023 14.14 The idea that I was getting at with the drawing is McLuhan’s ideas of hot and cool media. While watching TV McLuhan talks about the strange paradox of how the viewers high involvement with images … Continue reading

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Blog Post Two/ tech lit narrative

ENG 1710 tech lit narrative McLuhan had an interesting approach to answering questions. He never had a fixed answer to questions and preferred to observe things in a multidimensional way. Things aren’t simple and there almost isn’t always a single … Continue reading

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blog post one “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change”

In Postmans “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” he discusses technology and technological progress as a whole. Within his analysis he discusses five points about technology and how it affects humans and society. The first point postman … Continue reading

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