Monthly Archives: October 2023

Blog post 7

Within the Trask readings the author mentions colonialism, and the process of colonization of the native peoples. In what ways did this misrepresentation of Hawaiian culture facilitate the colonization process, and what were the consequences for the Hawaiian people’s relationship … Continue reading

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Blog post 7

In the piece, From a Native Daughter, Haunani-Kay Trask writes about how she heard the history of her people, first from her parents and then from her teachers, and how those two stories differ. She felt as though she lived in … Continue reading

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Blog Post #7

My question for this class is “if you could change the education system, how would you try to implement the contact zone to combat misinformation as seen in Haunani-Kay Trask’s story?” The reason why I am asking this question is … Continue reading

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Blog Post 7

While reading “From a Native Daughter” I was curious if the spiritual aspect of culture gets lost in written history. I had this question after reading the bottom of page 125, where Trask recounts their grandmother’s description of the land’s … Continue reading

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Blog #7

  In reading “Trask: From a native Daughter” I found myself curious and wanting to read more as I read the first few pages. The connection to this book and the different elements presented from stories to the knowledge presented as … Continue reading

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For Pratt’s Contact Zone, I have question which is how did the Andes community struggle with Bilingualism? Why I chose this question is because of how the Government tried to stop People from speaking Bilingual. I hope learn about how … Continue reading

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Class Discussion Question 10/19/23

Group 3’s question Ashiley Thomas Hanna Taveras Explain whether or not search engines have a negative impact on our culture’s ability to retain information. When Jay David Bolter talks about remediation, he is talking about how over time, media does … Continue reading

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Discussion Question and Remediation Answer

Group 1  – Kaila and Abraham Is the author’s intention to attract and repulse the reader through their writing effective? Remediation is the transformation from one media to another. The “media” in remediation is referencing the media that people engage … Continue reading

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Discussion question Jetmir/Nino group two

Discuss whether if the alphabetical organization should be valued more than topical organization in the context of the encyclopedia. Remediation within the context of “Writing Space” by Bolter is the repurposing or refashioning of a medium into something new. Printed … Continue reading

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discussion question Group 4 parmbir and sybil

Explain why we as a society should be concerned that shift to digital libraries will leave some printed text behind as previous shifts did, such as the shift from papyrus to codex or manuscript to print. Who decides what is … Continue reading

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Presentation Link

Presentation link

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blog post 6

An idea that stood out to me in Bolters “Writing Space, Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print” was how encyclopedias are a reflection of the time that we live in. In the chapter “Encyclopedic Order” on page eighty-four Bolter … Continue reading

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Blog Post 6

In “The Electronic Book” by Jay David Bolter I found the idea that books are anthropomorphized in western culture (p. 79) interesting. I had never thought about how the outwards appearance of books are their unique visual identity that competes … Continue reading

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Blog Post #6

In “The Electronic Book,” I was fascinated by the author’s explanation of how a book should establish some sort of identity and how it should define its role in a library. (Page 79) Bolter states, “Each book must be different … Continue reading

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Blog post 6

A concept that stood out to me from Robert Coover’s article, The End of Books, is that hypertext doesn’t translate into print (pg. 8). Today many books, magazines, and periodicals have been digitized. Some even start that way and have … Continue reading

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Blog Post 6 + Tech Exploratory Project

Jay David Bolter’s “The Electronic Book”, calls attention to the change in digital technology and defines hypertext as digital writing and moving information digitally in a non-linear way. On page 10 (92), “The computers, storage devices, and communications equipment must … Continue reading

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Blog 6

      In the “ Coover End of Books,”  I was very intrigued by the ideas and concepts that were demonstrated and explained in just these few pages. Learning about Hypertext and the different components that it may present … Continue reading

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Technology/Media Exploratory Paper Final Draft

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Blog 6

In Coover The end of book, they talk about many concepts and ideas but one that caught my attention was the obsolescent print technology on page 4. The author describes it as likely to engage in major hypertext fiction of … Continue reading

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blog post 5

Link to draft For this paper, I tried to think of technologies that have changed during my lifetime. There have been quite a few; televisions, public transit tokens, telephones, cameras, and computers. My first 3 choices were the telephone, the … Continue reading

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Tech and Media Exploratory Project – Final Draft

Tech and Media Exploratory Project Final Draft

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Oct 5th revision plan

My draft needs more details. I struggled with this project and had some writer’s block. The biggest struggle was deciding on 3 technologies. I also need to figure out the best way to incorporate McLuhan’s philosophies into the paper.   

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Technology/Media Exploratory Paper Final Draft

Link to final draft Link to presentation

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Technology/Media Exploratory Final Draft

Tech Exploratory Final Draft

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Technology/media exploratory essay

The Shaping of Individuals and Society essay_final draft.docx

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B5 Exploratory

Tech exploratary paper

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Technology/Media Exploratory Paper Final Draft:

Exploratory Final: Tech Revolution

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Technology/Media Exploratory Paper Final Draft

ENG 1710 paper 2 final

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10/5 revision plan

My plans for revising my paper would be to make it more cohesive and combine some of my sentences. I also intend to fix my last body paragraphs and make it more cohesive. I speak about some of the intended … Continue reading

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Revision Plan – 10/5/23

I am planning to structure my intro in a way where there is more focus on the direction it will go. I will try to talk more about McLuhan in my intro and I will need to think of a … Continue reading

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10/05: Revision Plan

Some ideas that I want to present in my essay is elaborating my thoughts to more of a general audience. I wrote my introduction based off of those who know about McLuhan and the type of philosopher he was and … Continue reading

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Blog Post Nbr 6 Destiny Wallace

After today’s class I plan on concising the ideas I want to use from McLuhan. I have a handful of scholarly sources, as well as normally sourced reputable ones that will aid to the ideas I have laid out already. … Continue reading

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Blog Post Revision Plans 10/5/2023

After what we discussed in class, I would like to add smoother transitions and also clarify my points. After discussing how well you can incorporate McLuhan versus when you do it. I also want to work on broadening my responses … Continue reading

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revision plan 10/5

The plan for my revision of the final draft for the tech/media is to add an title  to my paper to make it more professional. I also should make my paper MLA format not only the work cited page but … Continue reading

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Destiny Wallace TEP Intro

Destiny Wallace TEC Intro Here is my intro for my TEC piece discussing the layout of the paper.

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Blog post 5 The writing was okay. I finished it, and I do believe I adhered to the prompts set to a fair degree. However, I had trouble making it coherent for the reader. I felt like I was jumping from idea … Continue reading

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Blog Post #5

Tech Exploratory Project I think this project was challenging in finding research for my project. It was difficult to find expert sources talking about the technology I chose and discussing topics which were relevant to the project. It was easier … Continue reading

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BP 5–Exploratory

Tech Exploratory I found this project to be challenging. I had trouble writing my thoughts since McLuhan’s ideas are so abstract. Also, I found myself disagreeing with McLuhan at times and struggled to apply his concepts in a way that … Continue reading

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BP 5–Exploratory:

      Exploratory Draft        My experience with writing the Exploratory draft was a task where I enjoyed researching these different technologies and looking at them from several standpoints. I researched Bluetooth, Laptops, and Headphones. The four … Continue reading

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BP 5–Exploratory

ENG 1710 paper 2 draft   The research paper was about 3 major techs which were the iPhone, PlayStation, and Microsoft PC. I stated in the paper its history and how consumers keep buying it. I also discussed how McLuhan … Continue reading

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