This photo was on page 28.
This article was interesting and has a lot of great points throughout the storyline. The main point was him saying the medium is the message. McLuhan redefines the “message” of a medium at any change in scale, pace, or pattern that a medium causes in society or culture.
Moving on to the things I jotted down in pages 46-49 I noticed how he would say a word like “football” and put it into a fancier worded opionion basically. Why did he do that?
Why did some people not like his statements? Was he trying to make our world advanced at the time? A lot of people were comparing him to Einstein saying he was going to be the next version of him.
“All media are active metaphors in their power to translate experience into new forms. The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment to grasp it in a new way.” This quote had me thinking because I would’ve love to know how the world would be without technology. I got my first Ipod when I was 10 years old that was the first thing I ever had electronic wise and ever since then our electronics are super advanced.
McLuhan had a mind of his own and wanted to be advanced with technology but at the time it was to much.