In-class work 11/22–Due by 5:30 p.m.

Since we’re not meeting in person, the following is what is going on today. This work should be completed by 5:30 p.m.

  1. Discuss your technical process for your culture jams. In the comments section to your own post, I’d like for you to explain the processes and procedures that you went through for building your culture jams as well as a revision plan to finalize your projects for next week.
      • Explain what tools you experimented with.
      • Explain what tool/s you finally decided to work with.
      • Give us some detail of your process. What worked out while working with the tool? What technical challenges did you face.
      • Do you think that using a different image manipulation tool would help? Are there particular limitations in using the tool you’re using that are frustrating?
      • Where do you see weaknesses in your images? What are you going to do to bring them to the next level?
  2. Leave comments for your peers. For each one of your colleagues who posted their Culture Jams, leave feedback to help them make their jams better. Do this in the comments section.
      • For image #1 (the culture jam image)
      • Tell them what you liked.
      • Tell them what you feel didn’t work.
      • Give them at least TWO ideas for how to improve the image.
      • Repeat this same process for the creative image.
      • Make sure to complete each question. Every project can be made better.
      • I will also leave comments, but will wait for yours first.
  3. Read the Ulmer questions.
      • Go through the post of your colleagues all the way back to BP 8. Make note of the questions your colleagues asked. Read through everyone’s questions.
      • Write a new blog post. Title it “Ulmer Short List #1.”
      • Copy and past three questions that you read from your colleagues. If you want to use one of your own questions, that’s fine, but limit it to only 1. If you want to put more than three, that’s fine, but limit it to 5. Make sure to GIVE CREDIT to the person who wrote the question.
      • For each question, write an original explanation as to why YOU think that each one of these questions are helpful for your understanding of electracy. You should read the explanations that your peers gave, but you should not use their explanations. You should compose your own explanations as to why these are helpful questions.
      • You should have three quotes and three short paragraphs under each question.
  4. That’s it. Have a happy Thanksgiving. I’ll give you an update concerning next class, 11/29.
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