Monthly Archives: October 2022

BP 7

The picture is a speeding camera that takes users information and sends it into an information system. The picture is connected to the article because as Greg Elmer explains we live in a prison society that surveils using its power … Continue reading

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DB #6

  The Vital  “Another experiment, conducted by Pascual-Leone when he was a researcher at the National Institutes of Health, provides even more remarkable evidence of the way our patterns of thought affect the anatomy of our brains. Pascual-Leone recruited people … Continue reading

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BP# 6

Carr Literally, Carr discusses the evolution of the understanding of the brain. He touches upon research through the ages and how the sentiment of what the brain is and how it is constructed has changed. In the early years of … Continue reading

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BP 6

Nicholas Carr –  “…the brain might in fact be in a constant state of flux, adapting to whatever task it’s called on to perform. “There is evidence that the cells of our brains literally develop and grow bigger with use, … Continue reading

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“The ‘tele’ is there to indicate that my concern is with how our discourse might be affected by electronic technology, not only in the sense that it might be important to learn how to use video for educational purposes, but … Continue reading

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BP 6

Nicholas Carr Literally With the discovery of neural plasticity, we can now understand how the brain evolves and repurposes neural pathways and gray matter in the brain’s most utilized areas. Like Kuhn’s concept of the Paradigm Shift, neurologists believed that … Continue reading

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BP 6

Nicholas Carr: “Our ways of thinking, perceiving, and acting, we now know, are not entirely determined by our genes. Nor are they entirely determined by our childhood experiences. We change them through the way we live-and, as Nietzsche sensed, through … Continue reading

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4 & 5

Sound, language, and technology share a common connection. Each has its unique way of conveying and emitting certain messages. Throughout the post, I will define the ways they are connected.   According to the article, “The souls of Black folk”, sound … Continue reading

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BP 4/BP 5

Sound, technology, and language; the three very important factors that allow education and cultures to be shared and taught throughout multiple societies. Sound allows us to hear music and speech and understand what they mean through their tunes, what the … Continue reading

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BP #4 and #5

The relationship between sound, language and technology is that they are the foundations of effective communication. They are the powerful tools that enhance the way we interact with each other and how we understand the world around us. Language is … Continue reading

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BP 4+5

Without sound, there is no language. Without language, there is no technology. One can popcorn off the other. Yes, there are other methods of communication without the need of sound, but they haven’t had the impact of the spoken word. … Continue reading

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BP 4 & 5

Sound, language, and technology share a symbiotic relationship. These concepts work synchronously to hold the power of the message. To support my claim, I want to illustrate the power of the message through the frames of the deep-rooted history of … Continue reading

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BP 4 and BP 5

Sound has always been linked to our upbringing. It helps us physically communicate with each other. Language is another more direct form of clear communication. The last communication I will introduce is technology. By using technology, we can connect with … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

While writing this paper I have really educated myself in a topic that I use almost on a daily bases. The MTA has always been something that New Yorker’s either hate or love. But do we all know how the … Continue reading

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  (PAGE 26-27 Article Do Artifacts Have Politics?) What happened:  The mechanical harvester was introduced in California. This harvester was a game-changer in the agricultural world.”This machine can harvest tomatoes in a single pass through a row, cutting the plants … Continue reading

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Elija’s Exploratory

Tech Exploratory project This project was very interesting and fascinating. I enjoyed every bit of it from researching to editing. I hope to receive feedback from my peers and professors to improve my writing for the final project.

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Nabin Tiwari Exploratory Paper

Exploratory Paper When I started I had a problem with what technology to talk about. But in the end I decided to pick the light bulb, smartphone, and a 3d printer. I had a problem with what unforeseen consequence would … Continue reading

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Exploratory paper

starting  the paper was had for me simply because, I didn’t know what technology to use but when i actually did figure out what technology to use i then had to try and fine articles and videos and pictures but … Continue reading

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Buses BP by Tiana and Khaled

What Happened: When the highways and bridges were created, it was built to keep public transit buses out because of the height restrictions of the overpasses. Political Intention: It was used to limit access of racial minorities and low income … Continue reading

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Tech Exploratory Paper

In this reflection of this paper, there were some difficulties in learning about the consequences pros and cons, but after getting the writing flow going I was able to hopefully write the assignment as best I could. I am more … Continue reading

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Exploratory Project

This exploratory project was challenging and time consuming when I started. I couldn’t decide what was an important technology to me. I decided to pick video because that’s what I want to do in the future. For the other 2 … Continue reading

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Exploratory Project

I enjoyed working on this project much more than I expected. There were times when I struggled to articulate my ideas and thoughts, but I think I was able to manage them in the end. I look forward to expanding … Continue reading

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During the whole process of writing this Exploratory, I did have trouble in some areas of my writing. For example, starting the whole piece took me a bit of time and planning. I chose to write my piece on the … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

In the process of writing this paper, I was able to get a clearer picture of how these technologies changed life. As I did my research, I did have difficulty accessing certain databases, this part of the paper I struggled … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Readers should expect to go on a journey through my life and understand how language and technology affected me throughout my lifetime. During the writing of this essay, I struggled with the direction I wanted to take with how language … Continue reading

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